I do want you...

My Name is Becca, I'm Young, I'm Poetic, I'm Eager, And I Don't want to wait until I'm older for everything to happen.

Spine By Page France

hellooooo, it's jessica here. XCandyLuverX as my very few subscribers know me as. but obviously i'm not here to talk about me, my amazing-ness, and lack of subscribers. nope. though, i know that you want me to.

i'm here to talk about becca. and personally, the introduction she did was brief. too brief. so i'm here to spice it up, you know, give you a little more info, while throwing in some of my witty humor.

starting now.

fact one;

becca's an amazing person, and you bitches be trippin' if you think otherwise.

fact two;

she has the mind of an eighty-two year old man. you know, the creepy ones that prey on little girls. yeah. s'all good.

fact three;

she is such an indie-whore, it's overwhelming. but she's a great person. but so is drake, and he has a sexy bod. deny all you want, it is sooo true.

fact four;

she enjoys bands like tegan&sara, lady something or another (because i can't remember her name), the medic droid, etc.

fact five;

she can't handle the heat, which is why she's staying out of the kitchen. that was incredibly irrelevant, which is why i'm leaving it as number five.

fact six;

she has a tumblr. and is completely obsessed.

fact seven;

she uses the word 'obsessed' too much.

fact eight;

she's queer-tastic. yayyy :]

fact nine;

she's not single, so you bitches better step off of ruki's woman. [angry face goes here]

fact ten;

she's my beeeeest frieeeend.

fact eleven;

she's so fly, she's sky high. yeaaaah boii.

P.S. Fact eleven is only there because I wasted fact five on irrelevance.
P.P.S. I forgot to mention she's superrr funny.
P.P.P.S. I'm an amazing person. bitch, what?

That Tables MEAN!

Did you know that lunch tables are out to eat you? 'Cuz they are. just thought you might like to know that.


Ugh, I Fucking hate math. but I'm happy right now because its mass band and we got freetime on the computers, so Hi theOtaku!!!
You Guys know I love you, right?
But I Gotta go!
Byeee Love you!!

I have a pet Unicorn

I would die if she left me, or died. Like, I'd be Deader than that spider I mentioned earlier, you know the one on your head?
Haha, Bet you half the who read that just touched their heads.

Maaaaaan my neighbors are having a fire in their backyard, it smells Sooooooooo good. Better than wood burning in class.

I Wonder why they trusted Jess with one. Its like, they just figured she'd be responsible. Not saying she wasnt, just burnt.

Leprechauns are evil. They make me burn things. Like your mother, and you just there. Ohhhhh, Pshh-yah!

I'm bored, can you tell????
Cause I am.
I need a spoon... Dont even ask why.
Peanut Butter is magical. Just ask you Friendly Neighborhood Hobo.
Or your mother. That would work too.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch! a taste you can see!


monkeys are coming to eat you. Then steal your Lucky charms.
No, not those! Get your hands off your chest!

"My Windows look into your bathroom, where I spend the evening Watching you get your self clean" - Stalker much? Pervy at that.

Did I mention my MP3 is the third best thing to happen to me? Even if it is pink, Its still sexxi. just like Amby's Bunni.

(__)This is Sexxy bunny Paste him to your blog/posts if you think sexxy bunny is Sexxi!
Amby's Sexxi Bunni.
Thats my Sexxi Cyclops.

Post him if you think he's sexxi.
It can be a girl, too. :((o)):

My Cyclops loves you.

I love you, did you know that? Not like that though.

I'm Feelin' random!

lets dance!

*dances carzily, mom thinks I'm having a Seizure*

LOL, good times.

|........| Put this on ur page
|......o| if you've ever pushed
|........| a door that said
|........| pull

92% of teens would be dead if Abercrombie, American Eagle, and Hollister decided that breathing wasn't cool! Put this on your profile if you would be one of the 8% laughing hysterically in the background!

║(o) ║ ♥♫Music is Life♫


: .ılı.------Volume------.ılı.
: ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
: Min- - - - - - - - - - -●Max

╔╗╔═╦╗ put this on your page
║╚╣║║╚╗ if you love to laugh]

(¯`v ´¯)
.`·.¸.·´ Put this on your page if you are in love.

► life moves on......
▌▌good times
■ the pain
put this on ur page if u think life is going past so fast

│▒│ /▒/
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐
┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●PeAcE & LoVe ●

p e a c e ☮ l o v e ♥ h a p p i n e s s ツ

<3</3 your favorite Unicorn! Bexxies

Amby's Test

My Fave color is?

A) Lime Green (x)
B) Aqua (x)
C) Black
D) Orange

My Fave song?

A)We can change the world by Daniel the photographer (X)
B)Mocking bird by Chase Coy
C)Low (cover) by BrokeNCYDE (X)
D)Don't trust me by 3oh!3

Do I Ever wear Makeup?

A)All the time
B)sometimes (X)
d)just eye products

Which do I use the most?

B)Hair spray (X)

Jess' Test

How you doing, guys? Me? Im fucking Sick. And my Mom's worse. Like, waaaay worse. she wants to go and clean the yard and go for a walk and cook, but she's deader than that spider on your head.
See? its dead. Its so dead, its not even there.

I"M HIGH ON COLD MEDS, PEOPLE!! Actually, Me thinkers its actually the 10 glasses of Coke Zero I Drank today and the fact that I'm listening to Dead End Countdown by The New Cities, these guys fuickin' rock.
Guess what? I'm not listening to them anymore, you know why? because the song on my MP3 changed to None other than Dear Maria count me in by All time low. Thats right, Jess actually got me to listen to these guys. They seem like The Jon(ASS)as bro's of Pop Punk. Its sucky.
You know whats really sad? I Dont even know half of the songs I put on here. Its nuttos. Its Nuttier than Nachos! *Guy in suit comes up to me and whispers into my ear*
Okay, I have been informed that NACHOS DO NOT HAVE NUTS!
lol, that makes me think of yesterday. So, you see, We get to make ice cream in science and so we were looking up recipies and I wanted to make coconut. So I was like "Connor! Should I make Coconut ice Cream?" And he bursts into laughter. so I was like "Not Those Coconuts, connor. The ones that come off of trees"-Fail "The ones in Hawaii? The Nuts!" And then my worst, "The ones with milk!"
I Was NOT thinking straight, kinda like now.
Omgeezles. My MP3 randomly went on Shuffle!!! its Gimme Sympathy by Metric, great song right there. Great band too.
Shizzle Stickers. I Lost my sisters CD's and she came by asking for them and Now I'm FUCKED!
Im sorry for my language, people, Im just too inconsiderate to block it. Plus I like saying "Fuck", Just in case you havent noticed.
Shit, now I want to listen to sick muse. Its by metric and even better than Gimme Sympathy.
Whats funny is that a line in Sick Muse is "All the Blondes are Fantasies" and the girl who sings it is blonde.

Better watch out Cupid stuck me With a Sickness Pull your little Arrows out and let me live my life<3<3<3

Ahh, if you have me on MSN, you know that well. Thats been my name for at least a week or so.


No, Not you, You silly monkey! My Kitty! no, thats not even true. Though, sometimes I wonder where his head's at, then I realize its on his very, very, very small neck.

MY SISTER GOTS A NEW, ITTY BITTY KITTY!! She's So Cute!!!!!!! The Kitty, Not my sister. Though She's pretty. I Think the cats name is Delilah. I Almost got mad at her for saying that, because I have Hey There Delilah plastered into my brain.

OLD WORLD UNDERGROUND, WHERE ARE YOU KNOW!? Whats funny is that I'm actually curious.

Have you ever wondered why if you leave a glass of water alone, it'll get moldy, but yet, if you leave a toilet alone for an entire season, It wont? For some reason, I thought of that this morning, then my brain started hurting, trying to think of reasons.

My sister can't go to the teddy bears Picnic with me!!! I almost started crying my brains out when she told me that. You see, me and her had been going for YEARS and not once did she miss it. It was actually the last thing she did with me before she left for Quebec,then Africa for SIX MONTHS!! I THink It was either in grade two or three that happened, and I'm still so sad about it. I'm still sad because when I went skating, I lost the one thing she left me and told me to protect. I Lost her rock necklace.

Oh well, hopefully we'll get to finish our Photo thingy soon. We're going around the city taking pictures of buildings, signs, doors, windows, graffiti, and fruit for a collage. We're gonna make a building!!!

This is the longest post in a while, isnt it? oh wellers. You guys don't mind, do you? And if you do, go suck a monkey. I Dont mean that, That would be mean.

especially to the monkey. JK, it would be meaner to you. I think....

(I Hope she doesnt mind that I'm gonna post my answers, then JACK the idea)
1) What's my favourite colour?
a) Blue
b) Red
c) Lime Green (X)
d) Silver
e) Purple

2) What's my favourite song?
a) Vegas - All Time Low
b) Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry
c) We Made You - Eminem (X)
d) I'm On A Boat - The Lonely Island
e) Just Dance - Lady Gaga

3) My favourite flavour of ice cream is ________.
a) Chocolate
b) Cotton Candy (X)
c) Bubblegum
d) Strawberry
e) Vanilla

4) What am I scared of?
a) Spiders & Bugs (X) (LOL, I Remember the plastic ants incident. Good times.)
b) Old men
c) Heights
d) Rats
e) Germs

5) I use ______ the most.
a) Mascara
b) Eyeliner (X) (Everyday)
c) Lipgloss
d) Eye shadow
e) Blush

6) My favorite sport to watch is ________.
a) Basketball
b) Baseball
c) Football (X)
d) Hockey
e) Soccer


My Fave color is?

A) Lime Green
B) Aqua
C) Black
D) Orange

My Fave song?

A)Congratulations, I heart you - Alesana
B)I Will Follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie
C)Homecoming - Hey Monday
D)Radio Riot - Tiny Masters of Today

Do I Ever wear Makeup?

A)All the time
d)just eye products

Which do I use the most?

B)Hair spray
C)Hockey stick
D)Bug Repelent

Haha, Have fun! Especially with the Songs one, its a toughie!
NO one'll get it.

Remember, Eating Children is rude, unless you ask their parents!
<3</3 your favorite Unicorn! Bexxies


Im doing this from school ZOMG soo I cant post video but me and connor have been singing this song all class

dont call me a horse
im a unicorn
mystical, magical, mysterious
not plain
got wings like pegasus and a nice white coat
i grant wishes and prance in the rain

u n i c o r n thats unicorn

im a unicorn
8000 bc
noahs ark wasnt built before me
im friends with dragons, bob saget
you think im not real?
full house! im in the background, fool!

eatin grass all day, party all night
ill grant your wish
right before your eyes
im hiding in your hills
eating your apples
drinking water
writing facts on your snapples