I do want you...

My Name is Becca, I'm Young, I'm Poetic, I'm Eager, And I Don't want to wait until I'm older for everything to happen.

Spine By Page France

hellooooo, it's jessica here. XCandyLuverX as my very few subscribers know me as. but obviously i'm not here to talk about me, my amazing-ness, and lack of subscribers. nope. though, i know that you want me to.

i'm here to talk about becca. and personally, the introduction she did was brief. too brief. so i'm here to spice it up, you know, give you a little more info, while throwing in some of my witty humor.

starting now.

fact one;

becca's an amazing person, and you bitches be trippin' if you think otherwise.

fact two;

she has the mind of an eighty-two year old man. you know, the creepy ones that prey on little girls. yeah. s'all good.

fact three;

she is such an indie-whore, it's overwhelming. but she's a great person. but so is drake, and he has a sexy bod. deny all you want, it is sooo true.

fact four;

she enjoys bands like tegan&sara, lady something or another (because i can't remember her name), the medic droid, etc.

fact five;

she can't handle the heat, which is why she's staying out of the kitchen. that was incredibly irrelevant, which is why i'm leaving it as number five.

fact six;

she has a tumblr. and is completely obsessed.

fact seven;

she uses the word 'obsessed' too much.

fact eight;

she's queer-tastic. yayyy :]

fact nine;

she's not single, so you bitches better step off of ruki's woman. [angry face goes here]

fact ten;

she's my beeeeest frieeeend.

fact eleven;

she's so fly, she's sky high. yeaaaah boii.

P.S. Fact eleven is only there because I wasted fact five on irrelevance.
P.P.S. I forgot to mention she's superrr funny.
P.P.P.S. I'm an amazing person. bitch, what?

Jeremy called me a Faggot

Fuck him. On second thought, don't. Let him become a friendless 50 year-old virgin. I Hate that kid.
Okay, So here's what happened. It was seventh period, and we had math. Which of course He sits behind me, and every class he just kicks my chair all class, and I Finally got annoyed enough to yell at Talk to him about it. Here's what I Said. "God, Jeremy. Could you Please stop that!? Its driving me crazy and I'm pretty sure Connor's being bugged, too." (Connor sits in front of me and I Usually have my foot up on his basket) And I Moved up towards connor a bit. Heres Jeremy: "Jeez, you dont have to be such a Spazz about it." I Sighed that "Fuck Off" Sigh. and He was like "Your such a Faggot."
He should burn in hell, No, He should just burn in general.

On a Happier note, Connors my mommy!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Connor!!!! I Gave him a huggy!!!
I Wuv ma Mommy!!
And I Think my daddy is Matt.... (Jess dont read the Spoiler thingy-->)*Picture of connor and matt "Together" Flashes in mind*
Thats scary right there, Gonna have Nightmares.
I'm REALLY bored, I Should write.... Hmmm...
Well, If you waaaaant you can Add me on Messanger cause I'm bored. Its [email protected]
And Factory girl is a GREAT movie!!!! You Should watch it if you know who andy worhal is. I Forget how to spell his name right, though.
Oh, And I Have a new video on youtube!!!

(Ignore the crappy quality)
Well, I Bid you Adieou!


Its true. And I feel very Hurt and Violated, and hurt. Did I Say hurt? Every one knows not to drink ma appa joose. That stuffs just to good for me to give up. I Should tell my mommy to buy two next time... and that beige tape... Yeah..
And Amby, I Still say you ate the cookies.

So how is you guys!? I Feel like I've abandonded you!! But don't worry, I Still love you guys! not intimately though, Cause that would be weird.
I Know what I did last Monday night. I Was violated, actually. Not raped, but along those lines.
One of my oldest friends kissed me. Yeah, Kinda freaky. But then last night we went to Linwood and Got Fifty cars to honk for Fridays! Fifty cars, On a slow street in 1 hour. No, forty five minutes. And Julie (Not the one who kissed me) Tried Pole dancing on the stop sign, It was funny. She fell on the grass twice.

Oh, Have I Said how much I hate Ashley and Drew? Cause I Should have. Well, Heres my reason. So me, Jess, ashley and drew would walk home together, right? Then we'd hang out at strath, right? Then jess would leave, and then Me, drew and ashley would walk the rest of the way. Now, Keep in mind I've never done anything to these two before this. They "excluded" me, Called me a Bitch, took my hat and Threw sand at me. Yeah.
All I Have to say is: What the Fuck?
Like, Drew was always one of my best friends, and Ashley was always a bitch, so... I Blame her.
My mom hasn't even met her, or heard of her, just seen her, and she doesn't like her.
Oh well.
Live And Let die, Ne?
Or is it Live and Let Live...
Oh well.

I <3 MGMT!!! What about you? As A Matter-a-factually, Im dancing to Kids right now. I NEED Oracular Spectacular. The Video for the youth is Effed up, If I Could Find it on Youtube I'd post it here, but I Cant. But the Song is awesome. Heres teh lyrics!!
This is a call of arms to live and love and sleep together
We could flood the streets with love or light or heat whatever
Lock the parents out, cut a rug, twist and shout
Wave your hands
Make it rain
For stars will rise again

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X6

In a couple of years
Tides have turned from booze to tears
And in spite of the weather
We could learn to make it together

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X6

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X16

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X7

The youth X4

And here is there website! Go to videos and Click on the youth. Also watch Time to pretend, Its CRAAZY! its like a Kaleidoscope or whatever its called.

Also Check out K'naan and The Ting Tings

So yeah, Sorry for taking so long, And I'm sure I've bored you by now, so..
And remember, You Never grow up, you just learn how to behave in public!
Thats My Motto.
Have a Good life!

Wow, What Did I Do this?

My sex age is nineteen haha.
My sex age is nineteen haha.
What age will you have sex?
Put an x in Every box that applies to you then add them up, and that's your age!

[x] You know how to make a pot of coffe​e
[] You keep track of dates using a calendar​
[] You own a debit card
[] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You've done your own laundry
[] You can vote in an election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[x] You think politics are exciting

[x] You've showed up for school ... late
[] You always carry ... ... ... ... ... a ... ... pen ... in your ... bag/ purse/pocket
[x] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[x] You drink caffeine at least once a week(MORE LIKE EVERYDAY!)

[] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[] You can mow the lawn
[x] You study/do important work when you have to
[x] You have hand washed a car before

[] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[x] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[x] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type pretty quick

[] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[] You have more bills than you can pay
[x]You have been to the beach

[x] You use the internet everyday
[x] You make your own bed

I'll Be Nineteen when me is no longer virgin. Whoa.

Cuz Im Just a Teenage Dirtbag baby

01. Eyeliner or Mascara?
I Dont Look good in Either, But I Like them both

02. Louis vuttion or dooney & burke?
Can I Say Neither?

03. American eagle or hollister?

04. Pumps or flats?
Pumps are weird, So Flats

05. Skirts or pants?
I Like Putting Skirts on top of pants, so both

06. Socks or leggings?
Leggings bug me. Dunno why.

07. Hoodies or jackets?
Zipper Hoodies

08. Heels or sneakers?
I Like Sneakers, But Some heels I can handle, But alot of them are just outrageous

09. Straight or curly hair?
Straight is cooler.

10. Hoop or dangling earrings?

11. Side bangs or one lengthed?
Side Bangs, I Have 'em

12. Gemma ward or adriana lima?
I'm Guessing theyre models, So both.

13. White or black?

15. Smoothies or latte?
Oooh, Toughie.... I Like Latte.

16. Diet or regular sodas?

17. Water or daquiries?
Water, Daquiri is a Margirita

18. Pearls or diamonds?
Diamonds, please!

19. Vintage or bohomeian?
Both, Bohomian is awesome.

20. Marykate or Ashley Olsen?

21. Lindsay or Hilary?
I Have no Idea.

22. Ipod or cell phone?

23. Friends or family?
Usually Friends, Only cuz The Part of my family

24. Lip gloss or lip stick?

25. Manicure or pedicures?

26. M.A.C or sephora?
MAC, It Looks better, and Skye Sweetnam looks hawt in it

27. Tank tops or beaters?
Beaters are fun, But Both

28. tiffany's or chanel?
I have no clue

29. Love or peace?

30. Sunglasses or purses?
I Like Bags

X what you have:
[x] an ipod/mp3.
[ ] a tiffany's bracelet or necklace.
[ ] a Louis vuttion purse.
[x] a computer.
[X] a cd player.
[x] a stereo.
[x] a spice girl cd.
[x] a cosmo girl magazine. or regular Cosmo
[x] a teddy bear.
[x] a build a bear.
[ ] an American eagle purse.
[ ] hollister jeans.
[x] a hot topic shirt.
[X] a cell phone.
[ ] an aeropostale shirt.
[x] a big screen TV.
[ ] the mean girls dvd.
[x] a TV in my room.
[X] a big bed.
[x] a brother or sister.
[ ] a diamond ring.
[ ] a pearl necklace.
[ ] a prom dress.
[x] a book.
[x] a myspace
[ ] curious perfume.
[ ] g-unit sneakers.
[x] a black shirt.
[ ] a clique

Stoopid Test

1. [x] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out
2. [x] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails
3. [x] Broken a chair by leaning back in it
4. [x] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking
5. [x] Choked on your own spit while you were talking
6. [x]Had people tell you that you are blonde when you're not, or had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head
7. [x] Been caught staring at your crush by your crush
8. [x] Have looked for something for at least 5 min then realized it was in your hand
9. [x] Tried to push open a door that said pull
10.[x] Tried to pull open a door that said push
11.[x] Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love-potion
12. [x]Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something else
13. [x] Have tripped and fallen UP the stairs (Actually, I Dont have the ability to fall down stairs, just up.)
14. [x] Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave
15. [x] Have gotten gum stuck in your hair
16. [x]Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble
17. [x] Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it
18. [x] Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard
19. [x] Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name
20. [x] Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot
21. [x] Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on
22. [] Have fallen out of a moving vehicle
23. [x] Have run into a closed door(IT WAS SEE-THROUGH!)
[24 isn't here o.o]
25. [x] Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it
26. [x] It has taken you longer than 5 minutes to get a joke
27. [x] Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer
28. [x] Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan(I was curious)
29. [x] Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk
30. [x] Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock
31. [x] After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped in it
32. [x] Put on a white shirt even though you already knew it was raining outside
33. [x] Have ever walked up to a stranger because you thought they were someone else
34. [x] Ever been kicked out of a grocery store/off their property
35. [x]Touched the stove, the curling iron, a hot pan, etc when its on, even though you knew it was hot
36. [x] Taken off your clothes to change into something else then accidentally put the old clothes back on

37. [x] Wondered why something wasn't working then realized it wasn't plugged in
38. [x] Put the cereal in the fridge, or put the milk in the cupboard
39. [x] Walked into a pole
40. [x] Wore two different earrings or shoes by accident/stolen someones shoes by accident
41. [x] Put your shirt on backwards/inside-out without realizing it then left your house
42. [x] Tried to take a picture of someone's eye with the flash on
43. [x] Gotten a ring stuck on your finger because you put it on even though you knew it was too small
44. [x] Walked out of the bathroom (stall) with toilet paper stuck to your shoe without realizing it
45. [x] Went to go do something/go get something, then when you got there, you forgot what it is was that you were going to do (ALL THE TIME!)
46. [x] Picked up someone else's drink and drank out of it by accident when your drink was right next to it(Way too often, Sorry, Jess!)
47. [x] Fallen out of your chair while trying to pick something up
48. [x] Have poked yourself in the eye
49. [x] Have gotten in the shower with your socks still on
50. [] Melted your hairbrush while blow drying your hair
51. [x] Have done enough stupid things to make a test
52. [x] Have accidentally stabbed yourself with a pencil
53. [x] Have sung the wrong verse to a song without realizing it
54. [x] Have given an odd answer to a question because you didn't hear the question in the first place and didn't feel like asking what it was
55. [x] Told someone you were the wrong age because you seriously forgot how old you were
56. [x] Looked into an overhead purposefully while it was on
57. [x] Got up early and got ready for school/work, then realized that you didn't have school/work that day
58. [x] Forgot your own phone number
59. [x] Have tripped on a cord after someone told you to watch out for it
60. [x] Have ever laughed at a joke that no one else thought was funny
61. [x] Done the Macarena to the electric slide or vice versa
62. [x] Said funner then had someone make fun of you for it
63. [x] Have repeated yourself at least twice in the same sentence
64. [x] Brought up an inside joke with the wrong person
65. [x] Didn't do the backside of an assignment because you thought that there wasn't one or because you had already looked and forgot that there was another side
66. [x] Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions
67. [x] Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong
68. [x] Put something in a special place so that you would remember where it was, then forgot where you put it
69. [x] Put ice in your drink after the glass was full of liquid and had it splash out
70. [x] Told a lie then forgot what it was that you had said and got caught
71. [x] When wearing goggles, you pulled them away from your face and let go so that they would come back and snap you in the face
72. [x] Forgot to make sure that the lamp was off before you replaced the light bulb
73. [] Ran into a door jam
74. [x] Told someone that you hardly ever do stupid things, then immediately did/said something stupid
75. [x] Told someone to watch out for something, then you were the one that ran into it
76. [] Have purposely licked playground sand
77. [x] Have purposely and repeatedly flicked yourself with a rubber band
78. [x] Gotten so hyper that someone actually thought you were drunk when you weren't
79. [x] Have been so hyper you actually scared people
80. [x] Put duct tape on your body then pulled it off to see if it would hurt
81. [x] Put duct tape on your hair/someone else's hair then pulled it off
82. [x] Put a clothes pin/hair clip on your lip, figured out that it hurt, then did it again
83. [x] Sat and wondered why men's dress shirts have a loop on the back
84. [x] Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about
85. [x] Have gotten a hairbrush stuck in your hair
86. [x] Used the straw to blow the straw wrapper at someone
87. [] Shaved your tongue because you thought your taste buds looked funny
88. [x] When at a restaurant, you used your spoon to fling stuff at people
89. [] Have flung forks at people in a restaurant
90. [] Tripped and made the waiter drop the food.
91. [x] As you are writing, you move your head back and forth with your pen/pencil
92. [x] Have drawn finger puppets on your fingers then named them
93. [] Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper
94. [x] Have used somebody else's toothbrush without even realizing it wasn't yours
95. [x] Have started telling a story and forget what you were talking about or what happened in the story
96. [x] Read a whole book but during the whole book you weren’t even paying attention
97. [x] You have spelled your own name wrong before
98. [x] When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling
99. [x] Have used your calculator as a form of communication in a class
100. [] Have popped a balloon in your mouth

How many X's you got, is your precentage