I do want you...

My Name is Becca, I'm Young, I'm Poetic, I'm Eager, And I Don't want to wait until I'm older for everything to happen.

Spine By Page France

hellooooo, it's jessica here. XCandyLuverX as my very few subscribers know me as. but obviously i'm not here to talk about me, my amazing-ness, and lack of subscribers. nope. though, i know that you want me to.

i'm here to talk about becca. and personally, the introduction she did was brief. too brief. so i'm here to spice it up, you know, give you a little more info, while throwing in some of my witty humor.

starting now.

fact one;

becca's an amazing person, and you bitches be trippin' if you think otherwise.

fact two;

she has the mind of an eighty-two year old man. you know, the creepy ones that prey on little girls. yeah. s'all good.

fact three;

she is such an indie-whore, it's overwhelming. but she's a great person. but so is drake, and he has a sexy bod. deny all you want, it is sooo true.

fact four;

she enjoys bands like tegan&sara, lady something or another (because i can't remember her name), the medic droid, etc.

fact five;

she can't handle the heat, which is why she's staying out of the kitchen. that was incredibly irrelevant, which is why i'm leaving it as number five.

fact six;

she has a tumblr. and is completely obsessed.

fact seven;

she uses the word 'obsessed' too much.

fact eight;

she's queer-tastic. yayyy :]

fact nine;

she's not single, so you bitches better step off of ruki's woman. [angry face goes here]

fact ten;

she's my beeeeest frieeeend.

fact eleven;

she's so fly, she's sky high. yeaaaah boii.

P.S. Fact eleven is only there because I wasted fact five on irrelevance.
P.P.S. I forgot to mention she's superrr funny.
P.P.P.S. I'm an amazing person. bitch, what?



[X] I like skinny jeans(I wish I was skinny enough to wear them)
[X] Music is life.
[x] you have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before.(Always)
[x] My hair covers part of my face
[x] wear band shirts
[x] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[] I wear/wore converse (i wish! :P)
[] I wear/wore vans.
[X] I wear/wore eyeliner(I wanna)
[x] I have/had/want my lip pierced
[] I listen to The Used
[X] I am lost without a CD player/iPod/mp3
[] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[X] I have no issues with bi/gay people
[x] I hate the president.
[] I have/had a Mohawk.
[x] I've worn black nail polish
[X] I like slipknot
[] I hate where I live.
[x] Black is a good color(love it)
[X] Right now I am listening to music
[x] I know what hxc means

times your result by 10 and re-post as "I'm __% Emo"

JACKED From Jess

How old are you?
11, 12 in August

What is your favorite color?
most shades of green, red, And silver

What's your favorite music?
Ummmmm Everything But most rap? and SUPER heavy Metal. That stuff hurts my ears

When is your birthday?
August 29

What is something you would never go against?
My Friends, And My Heart

What's the most recent thing that scared you?
Ummmmmm IDK My Dad scares me every day.

Do you drink?
....I Drink Like, Juice and Coffee, No Alchohol... Unless its new years Eve, then I get A Glass of wine

Do you smoke?
My Mom Would Litterally Have my head if I Did.

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite pass-time?
Watching movies, Talking, Drawing

Who is your roll model?
My Sister, and my Famous (ish) Role Models are Emily Haines And Tegan Quin

What's something you regret?

The worst insult you've heard?
Too Many To Rate

What's your current hair color?
Really Dirty Blonde

What color do you want to make your hair?
Platnium(ish) Blonde With a darker colour underneath

Do You have a middle name?

Do you have any pets?
I Gots A Fat Cat

What's your biggest fear?
Loosing my few good friends (Who I Can not live without)

What's the biggest mistake you've made?
Telling Nakiah a Secret

What's your favorite number?
Ummmm 13 or 88

What's the thing that most annoys you?
People who hate others cuz of the way they look or the people they hang out with

Who is your favorite cousin?
K-K-Kaaaaaaahlie! (Hope To HELL I Spelt that right)

What are your current thoughts?
You Make Me, You Make Me, You Make SIIIIICK~! (Im listening To Bif Naked)

What's your favorite food?
My Moms Chicken Stew and Her Home-made bread

What's the worst food?
Asperagus(I Have no clue how to spell it)

How long are your showers?
10-15 minutes tops

How long does it take to fix your hair?
10 minutes if Im just brushing it out

Who was the last friend you saw?

Who's your weirdest friend?
Hmmm.... Hard to Choose Between Jess, Amby And Erin.

Who's your shortest friend?

Who's your most random friend?
Jessica. Definatly.

Who's the tallest friend you have?

Who's your most bi-polar friend?
Um... Me?

Who's your craziest friend?
Jess and Erin

Who's your best friend?
Jess and Amby are my most closest. But Britty and Kenny Mean a Hella lot too.

Which friend annoys you most?

Who's the friend you want to meet up with right now?
Jess and If I Could Amby Bamby

Who's your most depressed friend right now?

Who's the nicest friend you have?
Uhhhhh thats hard. I Guess Jess...

Who's the friend that creeps you out sometimes?

Who's the friend you relate to the most?
Jess and Amby!

Who's the friend you tell your problems to?
Jess, Amby, Britty, and Kenny

Who's the friend that gets you angriest?

There ya gooooo~

Ok, Heres Who I Think Should Voice who If it ever gets dubbed #1

Kyouka Miderazaki:Wendee lee

Reasoning: The Character is alot like Haruhi Suzumiya, And I THink The Voice Is similar aswell. I THink Wendee Lee Would Be a Perfect Fit.

Kyoran Kazoku Nikki - WATCH IT!!! ITS HILARIOUS!!~

Okay, If that doesnt make you want to...

Or maybe...

No? How about.....

I <3 CINKA!!!!

I'll Post the rest