I do want you...

My Name is Becca, I'm Young, I'm Poetic, I'm Eager, And I Don't want to wait until I'm older for everything to happen.

Spine By Page France

hellooooo, it's jessica here. XCandyLuverX as my very few subscribers know me as. but obviously i'm not here to talk about me, my amazing-ness, and lack of subscribers. nope. though, i know that you want me to.

i'm here to talk about becca. and personally, the introduction she did was brief. too brief. so i'm here to spice it up, you know, give you a little more info, while throwing in some of my witty humor.

starting now.

fact one;

becca's an amazing person, and you bitches be trippin' if you think otherwise.

fact two;

she has the mind of an eighty-two year old man. you know, the creepy ones that prey on little girls. yeah. s'all good.

fact three;

she is such an indie-whore, it's overwhelming. but she's a great person. but so is drake, and he has a sexy bod. deny all you want, it is sooo true.

fact four;

she enjoys bands like tegan&sara, lady something or another (because i can't remember her name), the medic droid, etc.

fact five;

she can't handle the heat, which is why she's staying out of the kitchen. that was incredibly irrelevant, which is why i'm leaving it as number five.

fact six;

she has a tumblr. and is completely obsessed.

fact seven;

she uses the word 'obsessed' too much.

fact eight;

she's queer-tastic. yayyy :]

fact nine;

she's not single, so you bitches better step off of ruki's woman. [angry face goes here]

fact ten;

she's my beeeeest frieeeend.

fact eleven;

she's so fly, she's sky high. yeaaaah boii.

P.S. Fact eleven is only there because I wasted fact five on irrelevance.
P.P.S. I forgot to mention she's superrr funny.
P.P.P.S. I'm an amazing person. bitch, what?




"In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields"
- by John McCrae, May 1915

Today is rememberance day. Today, We take time to remember our soldiers who fought in world war I, World war II and the Korean war. We take time to honor the young ones fighting in the current war, and our veterans. We wear our poppies with pride,and At 11:00 AM we take two minutes of silence, in honor of our lost soldiers.


I dont deserve it.
I cant take the blame.
The glory doesnt go to me.
I was just there.
I only got caught in the picture.
All I deserve, is to be ignored.
Please dont hand me the award.
I just read the card.
Im not worthy of this.
I just wathched you.
I didnt write this.....
I just held the pen.

Your Smile Is My Sun

Your smile is my sun,
Without it I would freeze to death,
Your smile Is the warmth of my everyday.
Your frown is my moon,
It is rarer to see,
but with it,
I can understand how you feel,
Your frown is the pain in my tears.
Your Laughter is the soft wind in my hair,
Is whistles gently in my hair,
making me smile,
Your laughter is the reason I smile every day.
Your tears are the sharp, piercing wind slitting my cheeks,
It’s the reason I hurt,
the reason I cry, Your tears are the cause for my death.

My Only Wish

My only wish
Is that I could be there for you,
That I could comfort you,
Bring that beautiful smile to your face,
To be the reason for your joyous laughter,
I wish I could be the one,
The one to heal your heart after its been broken,
I want to be able to hold your hand,
And support you,
But we are distant,
Even though I want to eliminate this trivial distance,
I wouldn’t dare.
Your heart is fragile like glass,
Though you act as tough as iron.
I can see the fear, The desperateness in your eyes,
I feel the pain in your heart,
I wish I could help regain the smile on your face,
It is the last reason for my existence,
I will strive to help you,
Without becoming closer to you,
If we were closer, Both of our hearts would…
They would slowly deteriorate.
The last thing I would ever hope for,
Is your pain.
All I ever want from you,
Is to see you smile from your heart,
And not cry.
To hear your laughter, Have it echo in my ears again,
Instead of the sound of your tears hitting the ground, That echo painfully in my heart.
I love you, Even though I know you don’t feel the same.