Second Hand Pants!

Ok this is not about some pair of pants some one Baught at Value Village. I am talking about the kids fringe! Also Keep in Mind that i am 11 and am not old enough to go to the acual fringe. So my Favorite proformers from last year, Sciencefolktion, (Previosly Known as Second hand pants,) Were not able to play on the main stage But, they built a jukebox-type-thing with 3 bycycle horns on in a box on the front wigh opened when you inserted somthing into the coin slot. they had little signs under them that said 'Sad''happy''random' everu time somone always treid to do happy but It was busted so they chose random! YAYZ! i like random! Oh and thair instruments are a little odd, They played a ukelele, a washtub bass, and a plastic bag! It takes SKILL to play a plastic bag. Check out the website at SECONDHAND PANTS . COM

this concludes part 1 of 3 of the fringe diary
