Halloween Party....

SO, I went to a halloween party at my freind bourkes house, The first BIG party ive been too. The youngest there was in grade 4 and the oldest was like, 17 or so. It was crazy. It started out as quiet as a small party, There was about 10-15 of us there. (mostly lei's freinds, the 16+ kids) and it was just me, jess, and bourke ther out of our lil' group, so we were standing around and then we decided to go bug her bro, and then lil' miss robbie (actually a guy) came along while we were pelting taylin and his freinds with pillows and, robbie, he be one of those Funsucking Jerkos. He just came in and sat down... That just ruined everything. I got to play a shooting game against the guys, I came in second, Only cuz I didnt know the game. We hung out in the snackie area for a good long while. Apperantly Noah can cuddle guys.... Im afraid.... I shouldnt be though.... Its just not something you say when people are drinking punch and eatind crackers.... That was kinda funny. ummmmmm.... Then we went and hid in the porch near the older peeps. and had a mini pillow fight with stobelights and loud music. and when the older people migrated into the halls and snax area we moved more into the living room-- BAD IDEA. We almost broke a lamp, 2 pictures and a plastic cup. all because of one kid, *coughcough*NOAH*coughcoughcough* Yeah, My faultt too. I kinda pushed him towards the couch and he flailed his arms and stuff. Funny stuff.Then us girls seperated ourselves from the guys, and took shelter in bourkes room. We played Whats That Song. I won. I got 5 out of like 7 or so. Jess got 2, she was SOOOO proud. Then we had another pillow fight, Then we asked if we could do it outside... her mom said yes. So, We had like, War Of The Pillows. I got bashed in the head at least 4 times, and I got slammed on the top of my head then whacked on the neck immediatly after. Stupid taylin. BTW Taylin is bourkes bro If I havent said so. Then when we were almost in tears, we hid in the upper balcony-thingy and we callled bourkes mom and we asked her to bring us some chips and guess what..... SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats all i am being allowed to say, cause I gotta go to bed.
