Have u done anything in ur stupid in ur life?If not then i don't believ u if so then i do!!But me?I've done a lot of things stupid.In fact stupid is an understatement.But i haven't done anything stupid that's life threatening.Just forgetting how to spell dog or cat and forgetting how to count to 8.But this,this is the most stupidest thing i've done.Like ever.And it happened only last month.
(by somegirl)
See that picture ya,that pretty much explains what i did.Bexxies wrote something with a 'd' in it and i was like 'How did u get that b backwards' then i figured out it was only a 'd' so bexxies laughed at me but i gotta say if it was her i'd still be laughing.But that was sad and i still can't believe that i mistakened that for that and what not.But i also can't believe i forgot how to count to 8.I got past 5 and then it all just blanked.Sometimes i wonder if i need help.Then i remind myself i'm just special.But,yea.My brother just told me he's gonna watch bridge to teribithia at 5pm.These r the things that makes me think he was born backwards.Oh!!!He was like in love with anna-sophia robb and then he wouldn't stop playing her music video and it was sooooooo obvious she was lip-singing.But,yea.I think randomness runs in the family.Me and my cousin's r C-R-A-Z-Y,CRAZY!!And i don't know how i went form telling u what i did to telling u about my family.But,anywhos,ummmmmmmmmmmmm,i just blanked.Sooooooooooooo,BYES!!!PEACE TO MA HOMIES!!!!!
-THE AWESOMEST NINJA EVER!!!!(bexxies thinks i have an identity crisis.Psh,ya right bexxies)AKA JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
