Random thingie

Had any pets
Meh Kitty is teh only one too survive. All my fishies commited Suicide DX and My Bunny got run over

Had any siblings
Older brother and Older sister. YOUNGEST Whoohoo!!!!!

Been kissed
Well, It Was a dare.........

Made out with someone
OO I dont think soooooooo!

Kissed just a friend
Well..... I was like.... wait! That was In grade 4! Whoops! (It was a girl too)

Made out with just a friend
Nooooo. Might happen in the future though.... Never know

Had sex
Well, NO!!!!!!!! IM LIKE A KID!

Had sex with just a friend
Umm...... Well, My Guess is that if im still a Virgin, I Havent slept with a freind

Been out of your town
Ummmmmmmmm YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Been out of your state/Province
Buncha times

Been out of your country

Eaten sushi
Ahhhhh..... Gotta love that stuff... (yeah, I have)

Eaten out for every meal of the day
When we take day trips, We dont have much of a choice

Been to Disneyland or Disney World
I wish!!! no, I havent

Been to six flags
Whats that????

Been skiing
Does It count if you used 2 tobbogons (IDK how to spell tat) and a big stick??? Other than that, we just cross country'd at my old-old school

Been on myspace for more than 15 hours
SCREW MYSPACE!!!!!!!!!!!

Loved someone but there was no point in loving that person
*Smiles* Yeah......... (still happening)

Moved houses
Notta once!

Eaten anything gross for money
Ummmmmm It wasnt money.... Or was it? IDK it was last boxing day at our usual family get together....

Eaten anything gross for free
IDK!!!!!!!!!! Read above

Done more than 5 surveys in 1 day
Wouldnt be suprised......

Tried orange juice mixed with coffee creamer

Gotten a detention

Gotten a referral

Been beaten up
I dont think so....... Wait, My brother..... *thinks about revenge and waves fist in the air*

Beaten up someone else
..... Why Do you think I got the Detentions??????????? I still need to get back at chris for hurting my freind..... and someone I reeeally care about

Been dumped

Dumped someone
No.... We just kinda discussed that breaking up would be easier on both of us. *enjoying her independence*

Cried yourself to sleep
More than you'd think

Lauged so hard you cried
HahahahahzhahahahahaHhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Yeah)

Blown a bubble but accidentally spit out your gum
WAY to many times

Have caught yourself drooling
Hehehehe yeah

Played On a Game Show
I dont like those things..... Except for JEPORDY!!!!!! Yay!

Been On TV
Yeah! I was in choir in grade three and they taped our remeberance day ceromony

Been on the radio
I won a contest!!!

IDk...... Maybe?

Thought about death

Considered suicide

Been emo
Well...... YEAH! I have been called emo ALOT. But I USED to be.

Had a diary
Journal....... Isnt that the same thing???

Been to TGI friday's
Ewwww! Yeah! TERRIBLE!!!!!!

Had strawberry applesauce
Mmmmmmm Yeah

Been in the rain without an umbrella

Given away money just cause you felt like it
that dollar in kindygarten? I was a toopid kid (looks like not much has changed)

Thrownup in public

Thrownup so hard that it came out your nose

Thrownup on someone

Eaten something so gross it made you gag

Been swimming

Been on a sports team
I Played basketball, And I am planning on joining tho badmitton team

Been on a camel
THE HELL!? I ve SEEN one, Never rode one

Been on a horse

Jumped on a trampoline
i gots one!

Eaten cottage cheese

Turned up the music so loud your ears started ringing
Almost everyday! (I'll be deaf by 20)

Had a dream about the person you like/love/are crushing on
Almost too much...

Had a scary dream

Peed in a pool
maybe...... IDK

Pooped in a pool
Ewww! How do you pull that off!?

Had a beverage come out your nose

Cussed at your parents
Four times too many

Ran naked around your house
.... I was five, okay!!!

Ran naked in public
Ummmm no

Turned down a dare
Yeah... I dunt like dares

Turned down a truth

Drunk dialed someone
Whats that? I dunt think sooo

Eaten liver and onions
ewwwwwwwwwww no!

Thought about why the grass is green
OMG! WHY!?!?!?!? WHY IS IT GREEN!????????! YOU KNOW!!!!!???? (Pondered that half my life)

Thought about why people arent upside down when they are at the southpole
when I was little

Cried when your feelings were hurt
Used too

Cried when you were hurt

Been laughed at
A whole lot. Both sides

Been called a nerd
.... A Geek??? I think once a nerd.....

Been called emo

Taken a picture of an inanimate object
Are you kidding me!!?!?!? They make the best pics!

Said a really random word in dead silence
...... Fanta (Yeah)

Played cricket
What the...? Whats that?

Played hockey

Searched random words on google
Hahaha, Yeah

Been to jukepix.com
Never heard of it

Been high
No... But being around my freinds gives off the same effect

Eaten so much that you gained 5 pounds or more
I hope not!

Been concered about your weight

Laughed at someone who got hurt
Once.... okay alot. But It was funny!

Been a member to a private gym/pool complex

Ignored someone just to annoy them
hehehe yup

Thrown something at your teacher
came close
