I am Reeally Messed up.

I Have a question, Is It Wrong to be In love with a freind??? I mean... We Have known each other scince Gr. 3, and she is one of the most beautiful girls I have seen my age. Im not sure whats wrong with me. I mean, Were pretty much opposites, and..... Then there is the 'touchy subject' issue... I think I just need to calm down, and Try to ignore my feelings. Anywho... On The Bright(er) Side, i have a french test tomorrow. Im Actually pumped. Y'know why? I didnt study. That means Im gonna do good. Im one of those weird people who can ace a test if they just pay attention in class. And I think We Have art first thing.... Exciting. So, I think That spending as much time as I can is a--
*me* Well, Thats hard.
*Alter ego* Aww. I know. but still... Dont you have anything else to talk about!?
*me* Yeah...
*Alter Ego* Then? What you doin?
*me* Yeahyeah

Well, Today we had french first. I hate french. But DAMN was that sheet easy. I Dont get it. YOu know how we say Double-u? The French Say doube-la-vay (Double v) They got it right! And You spell 99 Quatre-Vignt Dix-neuf. Seperatley they mean this:
Quatre-Vignt= Eighty
Quatre= Four
Vignt= Twenty
Dix-nuef= nineteen
Dix= 10
Neuf= nine

French is soooo confusing. They played disturbia during gym so after me and my freinds were singing as Courtney was dancing With Nakiah and brooke down the halls, then CourCour Entered LA With The Moonwalk and Jazz hands. It was soooooooo funny! Now im feeling lazy and dont wanna type much more. OH! And I really wanna make cards and wallies, so, if you have any ideas or requests, just gimme a shout!
- Your confused pal, Bexxy Bear

Brooke got this song stuck in my head-

and this song I just love
