
As you know, Halloween was yesterday. I was to lazy to tell you guys about it then, so, Im doing it now. Well, In the afternoon, there was a dance, Hehe. Me and my freinds just hung out and danced like morons. Then Paper Planes played, (Effin' LOVE this song!) and I remembered this dance-type-thing me and my freind Jewls(not her real name) made up. And tried to get my freinds to do it, didnt happen. They Played THRILLER! That was SOOOOOOO much fun! Me, Nakiah, Maddison and I think Courtney did the claw. I cant beleive I did it properly. Twas a halloween miracle. The Last song that was played was a slow song, so me, Jess, Erin, Maddison and Nakiah went and sat against the wall, and Jocelyn and Mini-Connor danced. Th reason that was so funny was because Heres jocelyn,
And Here Is Connor
Sooooooo funny, I had to try not to laugh. That doesnt happen to often. Yeah, Me And My Big sister went Trick Or Treating together, But shes vegan, so she didnt really trick or treat. Then I got sick. Like every year. I swear to god, Its like a curse, Hell, Im Full of curses. It sucks. Well, Hope you guys had a good Halloween, and PLEASE TALK TO ME! IM SOOOOOOOO BORED!
