Twilight rant!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The movie wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it was still good.But REBECCA!!!over here thinks it was terrible.Although she was the one who actually read the book.I haven't yet.I'm gonna read it today!!!Well,maybe not today since I'll probably collapse later.But I will read it....eventually.Ummm,I had CANDY!!!!!DON'T U LOVE CANDY?!?!?CUZ I LOVE CANDY!!!!WHO DOESN'T LOVE CANDY?!?!?Bexxies says that the movie missed all her fave parts.But since I haven't read the book yet I wouldn't know.But ANYWHOS!!!!!IT'S REBECCA TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know,I know,not as exciting as me but she's still my friend,cut her some slack.She still awesome,not as exciting or spontaneous as me but still awesome.Although I'm awesomer!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!HERE'S BEXXIES!!!!Whatever she says about me DON'T believe her!!!Unless it's a good thing
The Movie sucked. Well, They skipped the best parts and added in un necessary parts. I hate that! Movies tear apart every good book. Drives me crazy. and they screwed up the hotel scene, james fight scene, prom scene and ending. Alice didnt get as much screen time as I had wanted (PROUD Member of team Alice). Victoria was to smexxy. Her lil' evil smirk at the end was.... well... wow. and JAMES! Oh my dear lord james...... H-O-T! I Was Near Fangirlish squee. That dont happen much with me. Like, he deserved to be at least number 3 on my list. And rosaile broke a bowl! It was funny! Esme yelled at her! And they skipped The Scene in carlisles Office and the meadow scene and the campfire scene.... SO MANY THINGS NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!! GRRR!!!!!!!! AND THEY DIDNT USE THE FUNNIEST PART IN THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!! THE "Oh Great, Needles" One!!!!!!!!!! well, That was my verdict. Dont let me ruin it for you, I will leave thet for the theatre.
