Sugar Babies ans One Girl Revolutions!

Have You Guys Ever Heard of em? They ROCK awesomely! Check em out! Ya, The Lead singer looks strangley like Demi Lovato but she has orange hair and she says the F word so she's just straight up cooler. They siung kinda like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, With a little more edge. SURGERBABY ROCKS SO MUCH! NOT THE EMINEM SPOOF BUT MORNINGWOODS. WHO KNEW A PUPPET COULD GIVE A BLOWJOB? Like Really? Also, Check Out and older band called Superchic[k] (there newer name) Superchick (older). Theyre the ones who sing One Girl Revolution! I used to be addicted to these guys, now Im re-addicted cause I heard Wishes wich is a sad love song that I LOVE to F'n SHREDS!
In Life NOTHING is going on. Well, School starts tomorrow, and I am nearly pissed about it. I think Im just being more pessimistic than usual about it. I GET TO SEE COUR!!! *3* Excited! Love Her! Kay and MSN feels like it has the need to, like, I dunno.... Ruin the small social life I have? And Im feeling lonely, so, If you wanna chat PLEASE PM ME!!!!
Also Im feeling oddly girlie so... idk...
xoxoxo Bexxies!
