Sara Quin, Best quote Ive heard.

In an interview with “Our Chart”
“Do You think Its more of a Women in the Business thing or a Lesbians in the business thing?” was the question they were asked.
“I think that its women in the business but I also think that its intensified when you have SO many of the other boxes checked. ‘cause listen, theres a new quality for so many different types of people It certainly isn’t just women in the business but people are all like “Oh theres so much more female music coming out.” And Im like good god its not just the music its like how many female program directors, how many female Lighting Directors, How many female sound people, Guitar Techs, Bass Players, Magazine Editors. I mean like its an imbalance in all different levels of the industry that were in and we see it every day and its like Its not abnormal to walk into a club and see twelve crew guys, If I walked in and saw twelve girls in like cut off shorts and microphones I’d be like “Where the heck are we? What the heck is this?!” because y’know it would just be so shocking its so common for us to just see males filling the roles of our industry that its like…. That to me is where the change needs to come, Of course theres females Being played on the radio of course theres like fantastic, amazing, inspirational music being made by women, but that’s not the only thing that we deal with every day. Most of the time we’re dealing with like producers of TV shows and Executives and program directors and Agents and marketing people, and most of those people are guys.”
Im doing them for the Heritage fair mainly because of that quote. If you want I will post everything when Im done, and a pic of my back board. I cant wait to start on that!~
