Dear Britty,

Please Stop Acting like no one cares, Cause you know Damn well that we do. And yeah yeah I Probably sound pretty pissy, But you wont listen any other way.
You Know how you said That you dont wanna bother anyone? Guess what your doing. Itll make us more upset if you leave than listening to your problems. We care about you, You know that. Im Sorry I "Snapped" at you, Even tho Im Not Quite sure how. Maybe I forgot to say please or something. Sorry, But you know how big of a bitch I am. Its just natural. Me and my mom had a fight because I said something to her that sounded like a "shot", and I Was hiding out in a park for a few hours, and it was daaaaaaaaaaaaamn cold. I Dont want this to be like that And I Really am sorry. And It really does make me upset to hear you say that no one cares, Cuz' alot of people do. And Im One Of Them.
Please stop.
~I Care, Bexxies
