Hows It Been?!?!? Ive Been Very Very Very Busy, Wich Is Very Very Very Weird due to how lazy and careless I Am. But, Anywhoooooooo I'm Doing Awe-wonder-tacular! My Grades are going down, Ive Been called "Emo Girl" In The Hallway sooooo many times, AND I WAS WEARING MY HAPPIER CLOTHES!! I DUN GET IT!!! I Swear! Just Because I'm Walking alone, Have hair in my Face and Looking at the ground doesnt mean Im Emo!!! So WHAT if I AM!! IM FUCKING PROUD!!! But It REALLY Pisses Me Off When People Who DONT EVEN KNOW ME Tell Me Who I Am. I'm Suprised I Didnt give him A Black eye. Or Worse. Y'Know, I Almost Punched my old Best Friend's sister's Tooth out in grade 2. It was funny in ways. That Kid was a BITCH. She Brokeded My Foot On The Tire swing!! ...It Hurted.. :'( Anywhozels I'm SCREWED in School Unless I Get My Ass over to bourkey's hous, Steal her usb, Finish my natural Disasters Project AAAAND put some of my Heritage project on there, Take It To School, BEG Mr. R. To Use the Techroom's Printer, and Memorize the Natural Disaster Thingy, Draw The Symptoms of the asian flu, Draw the places that were hit the hardest by it, persent it, get my mark, yell about how bad it is and then do my heritage fair. School Aint fun. Iiiiin Faact, It be Hell. My Locker alone Is hell. even my Binder is bad. Whatevers. I Think I'm High. I WAS DRUGGED BY THE CHINESE FOOD PEOPLE!!!!! I KNEW THAT SPICY CHICKEN WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!!! XD Me And My Gramma Played scrabble and Ate cake aaaaaaall night. Okay. The Cake only lasted about ten minutes. The scrabble, about an hour and a half. I Whooped Her. 348 to 237 I Think. In OTHER exciting news, I GOTS A GIRLFRIEND!!! Her Names Amby and she lives sooooo far away.... Makes me angry sometimes that I Can really be there for her. I Really like her, I've seen her pics, But What I Really Fell For was her humor and Poeticism. Anyone Who Can Crack A Good Joke and Write a good Poem/song can go anywhere with me. I Dun Care. Unles your more that 2 years older than me. Then I'll kick your ass. I SWEAR I will.
Well, I Must Be Off then.
Mood: High
