Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddddd

Superchick - Hey hey
Hey Guys!!!!!! How ya Been? I've Been CRAAAZY GOOD! What Commercial Was that From? I Dunno. Hmm. Guess what? My Brain Just Farted. That happens sometimes. Oh, You Know what else? A leprechaun told me to burn things. Hahaha, Good Ol' Ralf. I was Playing Simpsons Road Rage Earlier, Tis Fun $hi+. I Hung Out With My Sister Today!!! We Went to an art show of my second cousins or something. All I know is that her name is Laurie. And I'm not even sure if thats how you spell it. Well, She had these tree BEAUTIFUL Pieces, All three Involve Terrorism. There was on Pencil Sketch of a Taliban, I HATE those people, But It was beautiful. And then there were two Coulouges of Like, Bombs and Terrorist statments and stuff, I Would TOATALLY put them up in my room. There was also Three Paitings, One Of Barrack Obama The Next of Martin Luther king and then Jhon Lennon, All Looking Up-ish, It was Crazy.
Sis I Mention I Got My Hair cut, Died and Bought Coloured extensions? Well, I DID!! But I'll Have to fill you in tomorrow!
Tonight, I Leave you with this.
Look Foward to the adventure, Because the ending could be better.
I Wrote that, Dont Cha Like it?
Well, G'night All!
