Its true. And I feel very Hurt and Violated, and hurt. Did I Say hurt? Every one knows not to drink ma appa joose. That stuffs just to good for me to give up. I Should tell my mommy to buy two next time... and that beige tape... Yeah..
And Amby, I Still say you ate the cookies.

So how is you guys!? I Feel like I've abandonded you!! But don't worry, I Still love you guys! not intimately though, Cause that would be weird.
I Know what I did last Monday night. I Was violated, actually. Not raped, but along those lines.
One of my oldest friends kissed me. Yeah, Kinda freaky. But then last night we went to Linwood and Got Fifty cars to honk for Fridays! Fifty cars, On a slow street in 1 hour. No, forty five minutes. And Julie (Not the one who kissed me) Tried Pole dancing on the stop sign, It was funny. She fell on the grass twice.

Oh, Have I Said how much I hate Ashley and Drew? Cause I Should have. Well, Heres my reason. So me, Jess, ashley and drew would walk home together, right? Then we'd hang out at strath, right? Then jess would leave, and then Me, drew and ashley would walk the rest of the way. Now, Keep in mind I've never done anything to these two before this. They "excluded" me, Called me a Bitch, took my hat and Threw sand at me. Yeah.
All I Have to say is: What the Fuck?
Like, Drew was always one of my best friends, and Ashley was always a bitch, so... I Blame her.
My mom hasn't even met her, or heard of her, just seen her, and she doesn't like her.
Oh well.
Live And Let die, Ne?
Or is it Live and Let Live...
Oh well.

I <3 MGMT!!! What about you? As A Matter-a-factually, Im dancing to Kids right now. I NEED Oracular Spectacular. The Video for the youth is Effed up, If I Could Find it on Youtube I'd post it here, but I Cant. But the Song is awesome. Heres teh lyrics!!
This is a call of arms to live and love and sleep together
We could flood the streets with love or light or heat whatever
Lock the parents out, cut a rug, twist and shout
Wave your hands
Make it rain
For stars will rise again

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X6

In a couple of years
Tides have turned from booze to tears
And in spite of the weather
We could learn to make it together

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X6

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X16

The youth is starting to change
Are you starting to change?
Are you?
Together X7

The youth X4

And here is there website! Go to videos and Click on the youth. Also watch Time to pretend, Its CRAAZY! its like a Kaleidoscope or whatever its called.

Also Check out K'naan and The Ting Tings

So yeah, Sorry for taking so long, And I'm sure I've bored you by now, so..
And remember, You Never grow up, you just learn how to behave in public!
Thats My Motto.
Have a Good life!
