Jeremy called me a Faggot

Fuck him. On second thought, don't. Let him become a friendless 50 year-old virgin. I Hate that kid.
Okay, So here's what happened. It was seventh period, and we had math. Which of course He sits behind me, and every class he just kicks my chair all class, and I Finally got annoyed enough to yell at Talk to him about it. Here's what I Said. "God, Jeremy. Could you Please stop that!? Its driving me crazy and I'm pretty sure Connor's being bugged, too." (Connor sits in front of me and I Usually have my foot up on his basket) And I Moved up towards connor a bit. Heres Jeremy: "Jeez, you dont have to be such a Spazz about it." I Sighed that "Fuck Off" Sigh. and He was like "Your such a Faggot."
He should burn in hell, No, He should just burn in general.

On a Happier note, Connors my mommy!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Connor!!!! I Gave him a huggy!!!
I Wuv ma Mommy!!
And I Think my daddy is Matt.... (Jess dont read the Spoiler thingy-->)*Picture of connor and matt "Together" Flashes in mind*
Thats scary right there, Gonna have Nightmares.
I'm REALLY bored, I Should write.... Hmmm...
Well, If you waaaaant you can Add me on Messanger cause I'm bored. Its [email protected]
And Factory girl is a GREAT movie!!!! You Should watch it if you know who andy worhal is. I Forget how to spell his name right, though.
Oh, And I Have a new video on youtube!!!

(Ignore the crappy quality)
Well, I Bid you Adieou!
