To Amber; right back at you

Look, You Can Say Sorry all you want, but you toatally obliterated my heart. Whats worse is that you didnt have the decency to tell it to me, You had to tell every one. I know its impossible for me to hate you, because of how much I Really love you, but I Cannot believe you did that to me. I mean, Really? I Mean, You were always my friend before you were my girlfriend, so you really should have considered me Just a little more. Im even more pissed because of how many times I've said "I Don't think I'll be Okay without you." You went off and did the worst possible thing you could to me, so here's to you.
I'm Pretty Fucking Pissed right now, and Heartbroken. I'm don't even know how I Feel right now. I'm pretty Devastated, Didn't I Tell you I Loved you? You know what? I Blame the Jon/Jhons. They're the reason, aren't they? I Know at least one is, even though I Dont know wich one is wich. Its the younger one, right? The one that everyone says.... I'm not even gonna say it, It hurts waaaaaay to much to even think, plus its a little cruel. But Amber? I Think its the only reason he likes you, I Mean, I Can almost tell from what you said. Oh, And Jess is just as Pissed and devastated as I am, But She'll talk to you on her own.
I Guess this is whatever, then, right?

I’m I’m losing my world
Cause you're leaving and I’m dying without you
So now I am nothing to you
So fuck you too

Now that you tell me that you’d rather be with him
But you promised yeah you promised you’d be mine
I, no I, won’t cry
No I, no I won’t cry
Tear me apart but you won’t break my heart
Cause you took it yeah you took it with my soul
So now I am nothing to you
So fuck you too

I’m I’m out of my mind
Cause you use me and abuse me all the time
I know I am nothing to you
So fuck you too

Will he hold you like I hold you in the night
Can he tell you that he loves you when you're mine
I, no I, won’t cry
No I, no I won’t cry
You tear me apart but you wont break my heart
Cause you took it, yeah you took it with my soul
So now I am nothing to you
So fuck you too

I’m I’m losing my world
Cause you're leaving and I’m dying without you
So now I am nothing to you
~Fuck You 2 (I Wont Cry) By Bif naked.
