"Like, Like, Yeah."-Me & Connor

OMG ME JULIE AND CONNOR HUNG OUT TONIGHT!! We Gonna Partay tomorrow! we went for ice cream, Then went to hang out at Assinaboine. omg we went down to the river, and the mudd is like quick sand! We Were playing Pooh sticks, wich is when you find a few sticks and throw them into the river, then whoever's stick passes first wins, connor won because He cheated. Then we played with this HUGE stick we found. I Know it sounds boring, but it was sooooo fun. Then Julie Jumped connor and the landed on the ground together. It was Cuute! Then we wondered through Max Collectables. The had the most adorable stuffy!! It was skelanimals. And then there was these figurines by tim burton, and I Was like "omg these are so cute!!" And they were like "Theyre dead, Decaying freakyness and that one has pins in its eyes." "I Know! Thats what Makes them cute!!"
They Called me a freak.
Julie<3 Spiderman.

"Short Kid Advantage!!"-connor
"You cant stop talking and we Ta-Cant talk Properly."-Me
"We Should Play Poo Sticks!!."-Me
*holding up a heart to me and connor*"You two make such a cute couple!" "I'll Make you eat a monkey."-Julie & me
"Hey, Random dudes! Are we pissing you off!?" "Are We Are We Are We!!!!???" Julie and Me
"Omg it looks like a pee pee!!" - connor
"Omg DONT TOUCH MY STICK!!" "I Didnt know you had one..."- Me and julie
"LETS MAKE IT GO BOOM!!" "Lets not."- Me And connor
"OHMIGAWD ITS SPIDERMAAAAN!!" "Oh my god its a dude holding a comic book." Me and Julie
"lets throw him." (We were on a bridge)- Julie to connor
"ohmigawd, I Like, NEED ice cweam!" - Me
"I'll get whatever your having." "Okay, you'll have the lime soft serve." "GROSS!" - Me and Connor
"Like, Who would push some one into a bathroom stall and say "Take your clothes off."" "Rapists?" -Me and Connor
"OMG! DOES IT HAVE A SLIDE!!??" (Talking about the bridge)-Connor
"I CAN CLIMB IT!!!" "Its as slippery as ice." *tries, falls* "Told ya." Me and connor
"Connor your my puppy!!" "Aww, cant I be something more manly? Like a kitten?" Me and Connor.
"omg an ISLAND!! CAN WE GO CAN WE GO CAN WE GO!?!?!?" "no connor, its in the middle of the river. We'd be dead if we tried."
"WTF is innuendo?" "Your mother."- Me, connor and julie
"NORMAL PEOPLE AT LAST!!!"- Me (The guy glared at me, he was f***ing creepy!)
"And Last but not least no f***ing swearing!"-me
"Your all emo-ed up!" "Uhh, thanks?"-me and Julie
"Omg! I'm a Butterfly!!" "Dont jump!" -connor and me
"Go eat your mother."....."I Dont get it."-Me and Julie
"Are we insane?" "Not unless they find us."-Me and connor
"Who fishes in a puddle?"-Me
"OMG!" "WHAT!?".... "I forget..."-Me and Julie
"Whoa, he is short."-julie
"Omg you eat brains?"-julie
"Julie, are you gonna push me again to make me take off my pants?"-Connor
"IT WONT DIE!!!" "what?" "THIS BEETLE!!" "you idiot its dead." "Really? Whoops." - Me and Connor.
