1. What was your best day ever?
Uh I guess the day I sang the anthem? Or my 13th bday~
2. Is America going to be banished from North America if Romney gets elected?
I hope.
3. Have you had any vegetables today??
Yes, several!
4. What are you going to be for Halloween? (because one is never too old for Halloween)
A ragdoll.
5. Pencil, Pen, Marker, crayon, pastel, paintbrush, or fingers?
Pencil. Easiest to shade/smudge
6. Worst kind of candy?
Uh.... anything carrot flavored? OH NO BOTT'S EVERY FLAVOR BEANS ARE THE WORST!
7. Which fantasy world from a book/movie/other would be the best to live in and why?
Oh god
D. Gray-Man because KANDA
8. Math is _______!
currently amond my best subjects :O
9. Have a favorite word?
KANDA jk like floccinocinhilipilification or bibliophile or fematta or supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
10. What is the professional name for your biggest fear? (like the -phobia)
Mitt Romney
11 Days until _____
Alright, Tag