This Is The Blog/Posting Site For All That Is Manga And Anime! Enjoy My Fellow TheOtakunites!

The Best Anime Oldie: Trigun!

Ok, so it's been awile sence I posted, but i'll make this one a good post. I've aways worshiped the anim/manga Trigun. Yes, this anime has been around the block a couple times, but that just makes that more respectable and more well know. I've seen every episode and have read up to the 11 manga in the series, and it has made it to bw one of my favorite anime/mangas of all time. Let me know you're thought on Trigun, just leave a comment.

Bleach: Is it arguably the best current anime right now?

Im not 100% sure, but Bleach is seeming to look like the best anime out there right now. Compared to the Naruto scene that is getting way to old, way to fast, and Code Geass only starting to make an impact, making Bleach seem the best current anime out there right now,, but I might be wrong, and if you want to contradict me, (which is wanted here of course!) then let it be so! just leave a comment.
Oh, and on a side note, if the video doesn't work, click the lower, left nand corner box to bring the menu up and type in "Bleach opening 8" Thank you. [^_^]

The Final Conflict: Part 1

I've never felt pain like this before. It all happened 10 years ago in the red light district in Yun-chan. My partner Holland had said to me, "Hey Ace."( That being my nickname, my real name is Yuori Mitsagi.) "The guy we've been following, he'...

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So what do you think so far on my story?

So I started writing this story and i'm wondering what to add next. Leave a comment on what I should write next and i'll choose one to add to the upcoming part 2!

FLCL. Whats your opinion?

Alright, This is my first post for my very first world, so I said, "why not make it about FLCL." So I did, and i'll start off with it's the best random, 6 episode long anime i've ever seen, and thats that, if you want to add on or speek your mind, it's incouraged. I'll post back later.
