oh. my. god. (aghem, major spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet)
I almost died! so did naruto! I was so pumped from last week, too. Many, many times I've had to resist my narutard side. but, that last episode was too much. I gave in, and now here's mah rave, B**ches!!!!!
nine tails, man. nine. he would've gave in if it weren't for minato. the hotest hokage, if I may add. and narutos' dad. YES! I said it. I think it would be funny if he wasn't, though. we all know now, but all of a sudden, it turns out he was kakashis' son. I think that would be hilarious! I'm laughing, really. not the lol thing you put on the end of whatever, I was actually laughing. chuckling, more like.
did you see that almost fox? he was all muscle. I didn't even know the nine tails even had mucles. i thought he was 100% pure chakra! like diet pepsi... mmm, chakra... beside the point. I was shocked! I thought it was all chakra under that fur! did you see how flexible he/she/it is? how can you do that with bones? they're BONES.
well, then, it IS the fox... so...
I found this song the other day. It matches naruto really well, (that and I post a lot of music here) so I thought I'd let you guys hear it. It's called "you're gonna go far, kid" by the offspring.