worst guy ever.

I saw this on one of hulaberries worlds. I can rightfully say I'm the most pissed off I've ever been sense the sixth grade.

look at this guy! HE'S A RETARD. look at his outfit! WHO THE HELL WHEARS THAT SHIT?! a girl i can understand. but a guy wearing... that... isn't going to get any respect from me! even the ginger kid is better than him! (by the way, if you wear this shit, it looks good on you. as long as you don't go yelling "look at me try to start a web rebelion and fail horibly" you'll look fine. just don't be retarded)

not to mention, most cartoons have a year to get a new episode out. anime has seven days. seven days. that makes it better. shitty-dumb-ass.

but enough of my rant. if this guy came at this calmly, I might be able to live with it. in the mean time, watch this video, which ammuses me on many different levels.
