so i just finished two more! yay!! we'll start with jack. he's gay. his hobbies are stalking dante and killing prostitutes. he copies dantes look exactly, despite the fact he tries to look more lady like. he really wants to kill mia. then there's mimi, skillets child hood friend, who is mia's sister. her mom and her dad got devorced when she was four, and her mom gained custody of her, and her father got mia. her mom went to live in france, and after five years died of breast cancer. she was sent back to mia, (their father died when his car was hit my a train) and has lived in her appartment for a year. and turned thirteen recently. She also really hates mia (because skillet loves her) but can't bring herself to act like she does, so, she and jack come up with a bunch of evil plots to get rid of her that never work. Dante kinda acts like he's her older brother.
sorry, i spent a lot of time thinking about mimi.... she's got blonde hair and blue eyes, too. she's soooo cute!! i love her soooo muuuuch!!
anyway, please tell me what you think!