shout out

well im just want to give a shout out to my closer friends here on the otaku (talk to regularly) heartskrues when ever im make a piture ur the first one i show it to cause ur really good at noticing the good qualitys of it i glad to be ur paper butterfly (pb) u've been a good friend so far and i hope i have more like del i kno i insult u some times but ur one of the only guys i kno i can talk to about stuff when i need to (cough)perv sorry couldnt dragonrider11 i can tell u alot of stuff and we connect on a lot of things ur one my friends that im really of glad to met.and finally to my best friend on here binaR we became friends in one of the weirdest ways ive ever herd of but im glad we did.

was bored like usual


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