I can feel my stomach screaming.
Ever had food poisoning? It SUCKS. With a capital S (and everything else) as you can see. I got it from school food last Friday, and have it to this day. TO THIS DAY, MONDAY. It's sickening.
I can't eat fries ever again, I don't think. I'll subconsciously associate them with throwing up and laying in bed for three days.
Ice cream helps. But that's about it. So I'm gonna be sittin' here, sucking down push pops and creamsicles until my stomach settles down.
On another note...
When May 29th comes around, the entire Northwest body will lose their ablities to speak, breathe, or smile.
It makes my stomach churn, but I can't look away.
I just want to see them again... you know? Those girls that I grew up with and took for granted.
I just wanna see them and hold them and stroke their hair and bring them back to their families and friends that miss them more than life.
I think... that it was May 29th... that made us all adults.