Hello, and welcome to Sun Showers! This is where I'll put my more nonsensical ramblings, more like a blog. I'll throw in neat news stories from the anime world that I'd enjoy sharing with you (since Gia's been gone, things have been incredibly slow), and other things, too. XD Let's start with an introduction.
My name is Mir. No, it's not the name on my birth certificate. Yes, it is the name that I go by. I am unashamed to say that I'm a sophomore in high school in Ohio (you're not getting more than that!), and that hopefully, through conversation with the administrators of my school, I'm going to be a founder (or co-founder) of my school's first Anime/Manga club.
I'm not married, being only a sophomore. .w. I've got a girlfriend, and I love her to bits.