I was bored so i took this salior scout quiz and got this result hmm..suits me XD

Thank you to all whose been commenting and favoriting!!! It REALLY makes me happy and want to draw more to please you all here at Otaku!!!!!! I've been getting more comments on this account than on my other Otaku!!!! Thank you, It really is appreciated!!!! ^^ More posts later....
Yes, finally my first post here on my new Otaku blog!!!! I've had other Otaku accounts so i'm not new here, i've been here since 2004 so yeah..I'M OLD!!!!!! XDDDDDDDD Shu tup.....'Nways onwards with my ramblings Hmm i guess i should introduce myself to you newcomers, I'm Twilight Aerith, or you may call me Amaya as that's what my friends call me mainly. I enjoy and love Kingdom Hearts!!!!!! It's my favorite video game, and i'm playing Final Fantsy:Crisis Core. Can you believe i've never played Final Fantasy before?!!! But i still knew most of the characters, how? Well well you have fangirls at anime cons going OH MY GOD IT'S CLOUD AND RENO!!!!! It's not really hard to figure out but Zack Fair is beyond awesome to me. ^^ GO ZACK!!! Hmm what else?...OH!! I love to draw also i've been drawing for about 8 years now and i must say i've gotten better at it. Fan art soon to be posted but if you do wanna see my other fanarts already here on my other Otaku here ya go http://www.theotaku.com/portfolio/nekoroxasxiii That's the link there, enjoy the fanart as i put my heart and soul into them. I am a RABID Organization XIII fan so if you ever want a friend that obbsseses over them I'M YOUR BEST BET. Eh i enjoy pizza,ice cream uhhhhh.....food. DANE COOK, Techno music and what not....all your basic anime fandom stuff....I have been to Anime Central (ACen) 4 times and next year if i go will mark my 5th year. I'm graduated from High School and looking for a job, no wants a learning disability girl like me and it's sad. I have a myspace so if you have one please add me, it's my real profile. The link is on my intro under the Aerith welcome sign.