::HEY HEY!!!::

Yes..Chicago Cubs fan here. (Hence my title) 'Nways, So I'm sorry for not updating with new fanart and stuff, i've been so busy with finding myself a job!! @.@;; Mother is getting better at not yelling at me about it so life has been slightly better. Notice as my layout is now Axel from Kingdom Hearts II!! I LOVE Axel. I'm not a rabid fangirl that will kill you if you like him, I share >;; Yeah.....Also i'm thinking about doing an art contest but i dunno yet. Meh, anyone going to ACen next year? I want to but without a job i have no money which means i can't go. I MUST GO OR I'LL BE EMO!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I NEED more members for my Organization XIII fanclub!!!!! I have one member so far!!! JOIN!!!!! Well I have to leave now so i'll see you all later!! Twilight Aerith out.
