My creation that I didn't know was happening

Okay, so I love to draw. My friends tell me that I am good at it too, Due to it being summer vacation I have TONS of spare time, so I draw. And I am currently designing a few other creations (cosplay costume for next year's Anime North-I'll tell you of it in a different post). So due to a few of my other interests that i have recently gained, I soon discorvered that some of the drawing I did, were linked! By and un-written story line! So in short, selected drawings I have done are creating a plot line of their own! Maybe they will become my own role-play creation. That would be fun! It is only in the first stage, nothing to deep. But the theme is already there. In case you are wondering about what the theme's Steam Punk!
This is the first Character I have created:
