Not wanting my precious kitties out at night anymore ;-;
We only have three now, Diamond has gone with his brother. I hope he had a happy life with us =u.u=
So now three part of my family I've had since I was a baby are gone...but I can still feel them <3
Have a nice night everyone~
Sometimes I really don't like being surrounded by woods....
Two nights ago (Wednesday night) I woke up around two to some creature in the trees right on the edge of my yard wheezing/moaning/making-its-super-scary-rabid-raccoon-noise for a while...and then it just started breathing heavily and stopping every so often to sound like it was eating something.
And of course when I got up the courage to actually move and get my mom, it stopped breathing/moving entirely while she was in my room.
Then a few minutes after she leaves it sounds like it jumped out of the woods onto the back hill of my yard and growls loudly ;-;
In return I hissed at it, being the little cat I am.....
It didn't make anymore noise after that....
That's the second time an animal has left me shaking....and I don't even know what it was this time D: we have an assortment of dangerous wild animals around my house like Fisher Cats, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, and opossums.
After I got back to sleep after said thing happened, I had a dream that I went out early in the morning when it was a bit light out with the wooden katana my dad made me to search for the animal. It turned out to be a rabid coyote....I hit it's head with the katana then woke up....
Then last night Kaly and Kyan came with me to our local-ish Drive-In theater to see the new Ice Age(which was great XD) and Brave! That was lots of fun :D We only got to sleep around four in the morning when we heard my dad come downstairs to get ready for work, eventually getting out of our sleeping bags at around noon :3
Also, Sarah's (HalfwayVamped) microwave brownie recipe is awesome. Big thanks to her for posting it! <3
When you want to do everything, like draw awesome art and read books and go on the computer to laugh at stuff but you also don't want to do anything.
I did force myself to draw a came out horrid.
All you have to do is check bands that you enjoy.
Then add them up and re-post as “I like ___ out of 104 bands.”
[] Breaking Benjamin
[] Paramore
[x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[x] ...
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Just trying to help out a friend so they can go to a concert!
Just click {here}, and you'll help! It's free :D
Thanks guys~! ^^