Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this
You say pink I say black You say Joe Jonas I say Bill Kaulitz You say Holister I say Hot Topic You say Hip-Hop, I say Pop/Rock. You say high heels I say high tops You say I'm Punk I say It's better than being a prep You say I'm weird I say DANKE SCHON! ^^ if u agree put this on your world
Went on a bike ride with Kyan yesterday! :D It was fun!!
Also went to my town's Memorial Day Parade with like everyone, it was fun :D
POETRY D: Why do we have to do analysis???? D: It defeats the purpose of poems being all mysterious and pretty!!!! D: D:
almost all done though....my cover is sparkly *w*
Also my left index finger is white at the tip...it looks like a mini ghost >w<
Funny it was black in second period :D charcoal and graphite blocks are very dark and messy! But fun~ hehe
I keep having Jack's Lament and Nice Guys Finish Last stuck in my head...since last week....they've been taking turns methinks....
that's a word...what...
:O cool; did not know that was a word :D
I have some more Fanfic drawings...will upload soon
Also, would anyone want to ask the characters any questions? Like an Ask Fanfic comic or something? :3 I think that would be fun~ :D
And and please join my challenge if you can! >w< here :D I'd love it if you guys would ;w;
And I has a disciple!! I shall call her....Cub...for the time being
she's a good friend from school who wanted to understand homestuck, so I sent her this super long email of pretty much everything about the trolls in general there is to know :3 And now she's reading the actual comic XD I'm so proud~ :D
I'm not home alone anymore -.- grrr.....my brother is back from working....meh
Monday is no school!!! :D Happy!!!
This Sollux, oh my gog. HE IS SO CUTE!!!
that is a bee I can deal with ;w;
Saw Dark Shadows
Definitely Tim Burton
You can just see the Burton in there, the makeup and the scenery simply says BURTON DESIGNED THIS right on it!
At the end, Corpse Bride
andandandand a fishing business......yeap
I I wanna go to Maine and see if there's a Collinsport!!!
WHY MUST IT BE MISTY after seeing a scary movie D: D: D: D: SERIOUSLY?! I was afraid to walk the twenty-some feet from my car to my house in the fog. Overactive imagination powers GO!! And tomorrow is home alone day ;n; all alone....with sheets....and I live...across the street....from...a lake...that leads to the ocean.....
You know those classes where you have like one friend?
<Start rant>
Yeah, my math class is like that, and we just got assigned this project to design a bird house...in partners
Partners? Yay! Until teacher says that there can be one or two three-somes. -.-
I was with that one friend of mine whose in my math class and we were happy till this other girl comes up and asks if we were working together, we said yes. She wanted to work with us as well...but there was already this group of three right next to me and this friend. Both of us were trying to hint the girl to join the other girl from the three-some....she didn't get the hint....
So now I'm in a group with a friend and a girl I know but don't particularly like very much, and it's really annoying because yesterday she had a pair of scissors and a wooden ruler and was cutting at the ruler, then started cutting at her rubric, then at the graph paper she was supposed to be writing on...
And today we had shape-block-things and she started playing with them ;n; then drew aaall over the white board that my friend and I were trying to use to draw out our shapes to-scale to find how big we wanted them to be.
And right now I have a filled up page on Google Docs of the dimensions of the shapes that are in our hypothetical birdhouse. Most of these dimensions were made collaboratively with my friend while the girl was building stuff with shapes. Then a few I've just done earlier, on my own, for I seem to have lost their assistance. they both said that they'd be on to help because my friend and I had a concert last night 5-9 but low and behold I am alone So I'm figuring out the rest of the dimensions and areas and everything ;-;
Though I'm never going to say that she isn't really helping at all to the girl, I can't do that...it's not what I do ;n; but I can think it! And she'll neeeveeer know~ :3
but I believe my friend shares my opinion, she gave me a look that said it all at the end of class today XD it was funny
<End Rant>
(if anyone read all that I hope you don't hate me for my thoughts on the matter- this girl is perfectly normal, no disabilities, not that I would be prejudice at all)
JUST had a concert and it went GREAT!!! :D I'm so happy!!
technically I should be in bed right now ahaha
So yeah :D I played my flute in the normal band for my grade then also in Stage band which is a mix of the two grades in my school, I'm in the younger grade >.>
But it was so much FUN
Kyan bought me a cupcake ;w; THANKYOU KYAN, I liked teh cupcak!!! :D It looked like the Japanese flag!
Concert songs
normal band:
Star Spangled Banner
Stone Wood
Kiluea (Volcano's Fury)
Wild Fire
Washington Post March
I never have to play the march again!! KYAH it makes me happy XD
Stage Band:
Phantom of the Opera Medley- Phantom of the Opera, Music of the Night (and another..?)
Hymn to the Fallen from the movie Saving Private Ryan
John Williams Medley- Star Wars theme, Duel of the Fates, Jurassic Park main theme, E.T. main theme
and I was all hyped up on cupcake, concert and frozen lemonade that is made by a company specific to my state which I shall not name but I'm tired now so I shall go to bed :D goodnight all~ ehehehe