Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

Reach me at:
[email protected]
[x] [x]

External Image

Pine tree, you're in my way

Yep, so last night Lina called me to tell me there's a Barrak Obama(I honestly don't care if I spelled his name wrong even if he is the president) chia pet. We all know what Chia Pets are right? If not, they are these little clay heads with like grass or some other type of plant seeds inside them, they come in all different characters, like there's Shrek, Garfield, ect... anywho! She called me about this new Chia Pet to "Honnor our 44th president". He must be so proud XD

During this call, I was walking around in my living room with no lights on, it's cool in the dark. I walked into this spindly little pine tree that has like 12 branches and only comes up to my shoulder in its pot. I go "Oh! Oh, I...I just walked into a pi..pine tree..."

Lina: a what?

Me: I walked into that little pine tree in my living room

Lina: *laughs*

Me: *laughs as well*

It stabbed my leg with one of its little braches and made me jump. I really need to pay more attention to where I'm walking >>;

Also~ I got my Christmas tree(much bigger than the little pine tree) on Sunday :3 It made my house smell good! :D


Alrighty then, lets see what I did earlier shall we? ^^

has 11 vocabulary words to make flash cards for, goes up to loft to get flash cards, very carefully counts out 11, goes back downstairs to start. Finishes, sees one empty card

D: "I miscounted!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this!!!!"

franticly looks at list to see if she missed any words, unsuccessful. Stares molevilantly at extra card

"You ruined my daaaay"

and now I don't know what to do with iiit 'cause I don't feel like going all the way back up to the loft to put it away. I'll probably draw on it or something....it's just staring at me right now....all blank....and white.... O.o






Gah be quiet you already had supper!!!!!




Yes, I know you're cuuute *snuggles little kitty*

Misa x Light

All who know Death Note probably know about Misa and Light. This AMV shows thier "relationship" so well XD

Balad of Mona Lisa

so my friend just sent me this in an email.


And it's a good anime, so *obviously* good song+good anime=awesome AMV

What more to say?

Best School day ever

I'm serious.

I had ONE class today, though it was reading, which everyone hates. Oh well :3

And theeeen, I hopped on a bus headed to the state capitol, and played supposedly for the important people. But the governer was too good to show up for a middle school stage(elite) band. Meh.

But, after when we went outside to put our stands away into this certain car that was supposed to be parked right outside the Sate House, but it wasn't there. And we stood, waiting, in the freezing wind that was trying to pull our stands out of our hands, in our fancy clothes. My pants are so thin and I left my coat with my parents so I was frozen D:

The car finally came, I put my stand away, and ran back into the State House. It was so cozy warm in there! And the security guy smiled and nodded at me :3 he was nice

Then! There's more to my fantastic day. We went. To. The mall!!!!! XD Three floors of awesome shops!!!! It was great!!!! Had yummy pizza and a soda for lunch sitting next to a wall of windows looking out over the citie's brown river and a tiny park with a bunch of buildings spread out around it :3

Shopping was great as well. I dragged my parents into Hot Topic and a bunch of shoe stores looking for boots that looked relatively like Kanda's, with the buckles. I found some, but I have wide-ish feet, so they didn't fit so sad, they were really cool.

I saw a tea shop. It was this cute little shop that most people would just kind of pass by with no attention paid. But they had all these neat tea pots with a very different design than I'm used to. There were tea samlpes too! The first one I had was Samurai Chai Mate(like mah-tay) tea, it was so good, till I was done, then it turned out to have been spicy. I'm like "gah! spicy tea!!!!" and went to get the next kind, which was an iced tea, strawberry lemonade. It was so sweet! I love sweet stuff so it may have been my favorite that I tried. :3 there were two or three others that were pretty good too.

For the last 15minutes or so I got to go down into the Apple store and play on the laptops, Ipads, and an Iphone with my friends. Sadly none of my manga friends are in stage band or orchestra(the other group that went before us), so I couldn't talk about manga or anime at all. We had fun anyway! :D

After all this, I imediately went to manga club at the library, which was fun as always XD

Playing at the State House and shopping at the mall happened during school hours, so it was, the best school day ever ^^