
"Utopias seem to be much more attainable than one would have believed in other times. And we currently find ourselves faced with a different kind of agonizing question: How can one avoid their definitive attainment? ... Utopias are attainable. Life leads us toward utopias. Perhaps a new century will begin, a century in which the intellectuals and the cultivated classes will dream again of ways to avoid utopias, and to return to a non-utopian society, one less "perfect" and more free."

-Nicolas Berdiaeff

That kind of struck me, it's interesting to say the least. I think it might be something Chase or one of HalfwayVamped's Perfect World characters could think about, because the Perfect World would be a utopia.

-found this while looking at the intro to Brave New World for my kindle as a classic for me to read.

*thinking about the quote now* D: it's stuck in me head

After reading the first chapter or so of the book, I've decided against reading it...

It's about people making identical twins, but hundreds-thousands of them, all from the same embryo....so strange >.<
