Stolen from Alphonse13~
1. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?
Yeah, but I've never seen one :p
2. Favorite candy?
Sweddish Fish! Or Kit-Kats...Dots? Skittles? D: Too many to choose from!
3. What did you dress up as when you were a kid?
Let's see...I went as a lion, a cat a bunch of times, Batman once, a bumble bee, a witch, a squirrel, and others that I can't remember
4. Parties or Trick-or-Treating?
5. Have you ever carved a pumpkin?
Yep! Every year!
6. Worst thing you've ever gotten trick-or-treating?
This weird toy that was popular a few years back, it's like a plastic ball that has a magnet on the bottom and when the magnet touches something magnetic the ball pops open to reveal the toy thing....I didn't understand how it was fun
7. Best costume you've ever seen?
Oh gosh hmm...oh my friend's little brother's pumpkin costume :D
8. Favorite 'Halloween' monster?
I dunno....werewolf?
9. Favorite thing you've dressed up as?
Probably the squirrel, I had a tail and everything xD
10. What are you dressing up as this year if you're dressing up? What would you dress up as if you aren't?
of course! I think I'm going to be John Watson but scarier costumes might make me move away from that idea...hmm
11. Do you like going to haunted houses?
no ;-;
12. Haunted woods?
aaahaaahahhhfhdsjhfksjkjadh no D':
13. Ever worked in/hosted a haunted house/wood?
14. Do you decorate your home for Halloween?
A bit :p
15. Favorite decoration?
These eyes that blink that we put in the bushes in front of our house :D
16. Got a favorite spooky tune?
Um....not really
17. Any wardrobe malfunctions?
when I was a squirrel I kept accidentally hitting my friend's Scooby-head-hood off her head with my tail....also two years ago when I was a witch again it was windy and I couldn't wear my hat D:
18. Scariest Halloween moment?
This guy hiding in the bushes next to a house with a leaf blower...he turned it on just as we were leaving ;-;
19. Best Halloween?
last year!
20. Worst Halloween?
Two/three years ago when my friend who I went out trick-or-treating with invited me to sleep over, in the middle of the night my left ear started hurting so bad on the inside that I started crying...I went home soon after waking up the next morning and couldn't hear out of that ear for a week, and I was talking really quietly because talking normally sounded like yelling inside my head...