Yes I missed four days of school
I have to go tomorrow...
I mean I get to go out and get candy on my birthday but still
Halloween is not a thing you can just pick up and move to another day.
I even had all my makeup on and everything but suddenly ~no halloween~ so...
at least my flute teacher liked the costume....
Also-- got my internet! And power and stuff but internet is the most important!
So that's good
Um....carved a pumpkin to be like Candy corn vampire, was not pleased with the result because I forgot to carve out teeth the first time
The black face paint around my eyes won't come off like the rest of it so I've got this really thin line of black all around my eyes that looks like eyeliner
and a red stain on my stomach from the fake blood that I used on my costume that looks like I got shot!
Mint Hot Chocolate is awesome