Mission 1: Day 8: Lair of the Snake

Kabuto eventually led me to a dark and bleak hole in the ground, which, from my briefings, seemed perfect for Orochimaru. He had taken me right to the snake's den, as we had expected he would. With those cursed arms that the former Sannin now sported, thanks to Hokage-Sarutobi, Kabuto would be kept very close--in case his master needed new treatments. He led me into a small but very tidy room.
"Home sweet home," he said tiredly. He threw off his weapons with a slight disgust. "Shinobi things can wait for shinobi times."
That was when he made his biggest mistake.
He turned his back to me.
In an instant, I had pinned him to the ground, forcing his hands underneath his stomach. I pulled a kunai from my kimono, where it had been hidden in a place that shall remain unnamed. Holding it to his throat, I reached up to my ear. There, underneath my hair, rested an earring that doubled as a radio. I sent a quick series of dots and dashes. They spelled "S-E-D-U-C-T-I-O-N", to my chagrin. That code word, had, of course, been the Pervy Sage's idea.
