Mission 1: Day 9: Genjutsu

Cat, Zhen, and the Toad Sage appeared directly behind me. Jiraiya appraised the situation quickly with a little perverted smile.
"You should do this more often," Jiraiya said with a smirk, "you seem to have a talent for it."
I cussed him soundly for that comment.
"It only took you--what? Ten minutes?" Our sensei continued, his grin growing. "Already, you've got him pinned down and silenced. Incredible. I doubt Kurenai or even Tsunade could have worked him over this fast. What's your secret?" The man looked absolutely like a hellion now. If I could have spared one of my arms, I would have smacked him. He waggled his eyebrows, determined to have an answer from me.
The whole time, Kabuto was looking up at me, dumbfounded. He was even more discombobulated by my apparent friendship with one of the other Sannin. Then, he seemed to comprehend the situation. "Damn." He cursed softly. "She was a ninja. I didn't think she was. She fights like a freakin' convict."
I looked at him, my lip curling up with amusement. "It pays to know how to fight dirty when you weigh 115 pounds."
He looked up at me, astonished.
"By the way, sensei, my secret is a kunai stuffed into the padding of my bra and experience. Also, when your target turns his back to you, it makes things considerably easier." I smiled viciously as I answered him.
Zhen and Cat laughed. "That's our Chessy," Zhen snorted.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Now we use genjutsu. We extract the information we need and then we give him fake memories of the best night of his life." The Sannin coughed self-consciously. "I'll be doing that part. Now, for the rest of the genjutsu...which of you has the most depraved mind?" He eyed us. "I'm actually quite sure that each of you is more insane than I am."
"In that case," Cat began.
"It would be," I continued.
"Zhen-chan." We finished with a slight smile.
Zhen grinned at Kabuto. The traitor Sound/Leaf ninja gulped at the sight.
