Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

Writing a profile for the Destroyer

So I want to write a profile for Azriel but theres not much to the guy...

Name: Azriel
Age: Timeless
Title: Death angel, the Destroyer, Archangel of death, Grim Reaper
Theme Song: Blutengel- Ohne Dich
Favorite Food: I don't think he eats...
Description: A neutral angel who's job is to cut the soul from the human body and deliver it to Heaven or Hell.
Hobbies: unknown.
Other Notes: he carries hour glasses which display the amount of time one has left to live.

Like I said, not much. Hobby wise, he might like to garden...
I was totally thinking German goth band for his theme and Blutengel is AMAZING. Totally one of my favorite bands of all time!

Valle Lacrimarum

So I am writing a new tale called Valle Lacrimarum.

Its about a girl named Amelia who meets with good and bad fortune. Amelia had been living with her godmother since she was about 12 or 13. She was very sheltered in that strict home. During the last years of her godmothers life, Amelia was the only one to look after the sickly woman. Much to the jealousy of other relatives, Amelia inherited everything. Because of her strict upbringing, Amelia was reserved and cold. Realizing that she was now utterly alone in the world, she gained the ability to see the archangel of death, Azriel who is also terribly lonely.
Azriel carries hourglasses which represents the time span of a humans life. When the sand runs out, your obviously dead. When Amelia's time begins to run out, Azriel breaks her glass, stopping her time completely. In other words, Amelia will not age or die. This however, leaves her soul free for the taking by any angel or demon no matter how saintly Amelia is. When a demon named Damianus learns Amelia's secret, he makes a bet with Azriel. If Amelia can make it through three mazes then he will leave her in peace. If she fails, then her soul is at the mercy of Damianus.

That's what I have so far. I haven't forgotten Monarchy X Anarchy or Petite Affairs of Natalya, it's just that I've been in a rut lately and thought beginning a short story would be refreshing.

RANT: challengers are annoying me...

I'm not sure how many challenges I won in which the challenge maker didn't fill out the prize expectation. I don't mean to sound like a grasping child here but seriously, if I (or anyone for that matter) won a challenge, give me my prize.
I've been in numerous challenges in which (even to this day) remain unjudged. Whats more irritating is that when I ask them when the winners are going to be picked I receive replies like "Well, I've been really busy with life like family problems and school. not to mention that choosing a winner is really tough so deal with it!" Okay. Stop over glamorizing your teenage life issues because we all have them. Besides, its been months now. Get over it. Family pet died? Guess what, mine did too and it didn't take months to get over. School work too much for you? Guess what, I'm balancing high school classes and college courses at the same time. I'm not complaining. Family member die too? My condolences but if your life is that hectic then maybe you shouldn't host challenges. On another note, how long does it even take to judge a challenge? Well, basing this observation from the one challenge I hosted many moons ago, it does not months. It took me two or three days max because there were alot of entries and some good ones too.

I don't think it is right for someone to host a challenge and forget to pick winners or give the promised prizes once the deadline is up. Especially since the challengers get blue medals in their portfolio whether they judge or not. I feel reporting these people would be too drastic but I think there could be improvements made on the challenge categories. There isn't enough moderation in that area.

holy cowbells my dreams are too cool

I always have fun dreams but lately, since I've been in a huge American comic book phase, I have had dreams relating to super heroes! Last night I dreamt that I was Spider-man and I met Black Widow and Sergeant Fury. For some reason I was at my campus I had to change out of my costume on the roof of the library building where Black Widow and Sgt Fury couldn't see who I was.
And the day before while I was taking a short nap, I dreamt that Magneto and Dr. Doom teamed up for some reason that I couldn't remember.
Ever fall asleep while reading a comic book? I've done it twice while reading Thor #182-83 where he fights Dr. Doom. I love those issues, they are so much fun!
I need a life... :(

Holy cowbells he found me

a foe from my past found me on facebook a few days ago and then appeared at a graduation/birthday party today. what the heck. i don't want you. leave me alone you creepy stalker.