Hiya, I'm Angel! This is my most personal place on the internet.

Discord: frieza5570
DeviantArt: Angel1nks
Twitter: Michelangeline3
Instagram: michelangeline3

I'm eternal!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!

In celebration of my new title, I'll post my theme song:

BTW, don't forget to ask Doctor Doom a question this week at ifanboy.com! I'm thrilled he's back; wonder what wisdom he'll share! :}

I finally joined facebook

I'm going to join facebook (maybe tonight if I don't decide to sew instead) because everyones there and I need to meet friends! In the mean time, allow me to show everyone a picture of me because I love myself

I joined myspace back when it was popular but I couldn't get into it. Maybe facebook will be more fun?
I'm there yo.

my life! tis ruined!

My sister and her babies came up from Florida. They are going to stay in our house for a whole month. I hate kids, so dirty and sticky. I had to wash down the controllers from the wii because the kids played Super Smash Bros Brawl. They fall asleep on the couch which feels dirty afterwards like their skin flakes are covering the surface. They also use our bathroom for everything. I can't put up with their dirt for a month. My summer vacation. Gone to sticky children.

Radiata Stories: an empty cup to fill your thirst...

I beat Radiata Stories over the weekend and I must say how disappointed I was in the end. This is gonna contain spoilers if you haven't played it yet (at least the nonhuman side). I needed a new game so I picked it up a f...

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Theme of the White Knight

I add theme songs to all of my characters, but I need to find one for the White Knight, so how's this?

It's rap but so is Natalya's theme. I used to hate rap but it's growing on me now.
Also, I need to think of a name for this guy, here's what I was thinking:
Spiridon- spirit
Vladilen- Vladimir Lenin
Vitalis- vital, of life
Odalis- wealthy
I'm not limited to just these four but I do like the way they sound. Odalis or Vitalis might be the ones I choose...