How does it all end?

I wanna write the end of Monarchy X Anarchy before I forget it! If you don't want to spoil anything, I suggest not reading it!

When Natalya is captured by the Dark Artists, Alistair takes it upon himself to find singing towers in hopes that it may lead him to Natalya. He successfully finds the last stanza but Natalya isn't in any of the seven towers. She escaped with Replica Natalya's and Olga's help.
Milena enters an empty, false singing tower where Adrastus lies in waiting without a body to escape. He kills Milena and take her form but Emory isn't fooled by him. He tries to kill Adrastus but Adrastus flees.
Later, Adrastus fools Lachlan and steals Lachlan's form so he is forced to use to body of a doll that betrayed Zelig. Adrastus, disguised as Lachlan, fools Alistair into exposing the fact that he has the last stanza. Adrastus tries to kill Alistair but Lachlan intercedes and mortally wounds Adrastus. Lachlan regains his body but its weak from blood loss. The doll that Lachlan used sacrifices itself to seal Adrastus in a lifeless shell.
Elodie tries to purge Sylphia but isn't strong enough so she tries to kill the pure soucoyant. Elodie is struck through her heart and as she looses the blood in her body, the Loogaroo's Spell is broken and Elodie dies as a normal girl. Sylphia goes mad when she sees that Elodie has become normal.
Ilarion tracks Emory using Zelig. Ilarion has festering hatred for Zelig and once Emory is found, Ilarion executes the doll-crafter. Ilarion meets with human Lachlan and Alistair and aids Lachlan to the Korolevskii castle. He tells Alistair where Emory is heading.
With Milena, Elodie, and Adrastus dead and Lachlan and Ilarion gone, Alistair has to defend Natalya against multiple other foes. Bernadine and her white knight, Emory, and Natalya's anemia threaten her life. Emory finds Natalya's location and kills Olga as she tries to keep him at bay. Natalya and her doll are standing in an oasis but Emory, due to his fear of water, refuses to go near them. Each gun shot at Natalya is taken by her doll; Natalya takes this time to summon the final tower from the underworld and bring it towards heaven. As the tower climbs skyward, Emory flees.
Alistair arrives at the constructed tower but Natalya is at the top and Bernadine and her white knight have also arrived at the scene.
She constructed her own tower and Alistair is the only knight to defend it. When Bernadine's white knight injures Alistair, he realizes he can't defend the entire tower by himself and retreats to protect Natalya. Faceless dolls sacrifice themselves for Alistair but they are weak and are quickly destroyed by the white knight. Once on top, the last stanza is stolen from Alistair and Bernadine uses her voice at last to chant the ancient song. The replica doll kills Bernadine and Natalya uses her blood to destroy the final stanzas.
In a fit of anger, the white knight takes Alistair sword and stabs the doll thinking it was the real Natalya. Because of the struggle between the Imperial and the Old orders, the tower begins to crumble. Sylphia arrives and distracts the white knight and Alistair takes this opportunity to kill him.
Natalya is dieing from fatigue (anemia related) but is given wings by Sylphia (breaking her spell) to save Alistair from the crumbling tower. Alistair jumps with Natalya and, using the last of her strength, she flies to safety. At the Vogulka castle, her last order to Alistair is for him to die in the name of the monarch.
Alistair rejoins Lachlan and Ilarion to protect the Czar. The gunless four are practically defenseless against an army of anarchists led by Emory Osterhagen. After the effortless battle, the three knights and czar are executed. Civil war takes the land.

In the spin-off Rasputitsa, Nikifor reads a newspaper and learns of the executions. He is caught in a state of depression and wishes to change the course of the war and reestablish the Imperial order. But those are just the daydreams of a ruffian.

Oh no, everyone died! :O At least they died in the name of the monarch. I haven't proof read this thing so it may need revising later. Maybe I'll make it happier...
If you don't understand the story, you may want to read the Petite Affairs of Natalya or Natalya and Alistair's Stories that I posted earlier.
