Elodie's Story

Now Elodie's turn!

Elodie is Natalya's only Lady-in-Waiting and is head-over-heels for Lachlan. She doesn't like much of the childish games that Natalya enjoys like playing with dolls, but she is on the same level of maturity.
A soucoyant is a fabled vampire-like creature that sheds its form during a full moon and sucks the blood of humans. To become this creature, one would have to drain a human completely of blood, then the human is placed under the Loogaroo's Spell and wakes as a soucoyant. To keep a soucoyant at bay, one only needs a pile of sand or rice and the creature is forced to count it (as a sort of OCD). However, there is a particular blood type that a soucoyant lusts after, Blue Blood. Blue blood is found only in a royal family and will fade as the relatives grow more distant. Soucoyants are from a completely different country but since that country no longer is ruled by a royal family, the soucoyants have fled. Since the times are growing more modern, soucoyants are dying off and there are only two left: Elodie and Sylphia. Eldoie regained her sanity through purging but her body is still that of a soucoyant. The crosses on her shoulders are seals so that the demon within doesn't reemerge but she can alter this seal when she likes and bear wings. The only way to officially break the Loogaroo's spell is to loose all the blood in the body again. The reason soucoyants are in Perovskia is because a royal family still rules the land.

I'll finish this later, and btw, actual soucoyants are much different. I just adjusted them to fit the story.
