No booty please

I stole this from C C C.

► Are you single: No, I am married to Ganondorf but am having an affair with this guy in my dreams.
► Are you happy: No, I'm fighting depression.
► Are you bored: yes.
► Are you sad: no.
► Are you Italian: no.
► Are you German: On my dad's father's side.
► Are you Asian: No way man.
► Are you angry: yes. Angry that I'm too lazy to do my homework!
► Are you Irish: I'm more English.
► Are your parents still married: Yes.

► Birth Place: Michigan.
► Hair Color: Brown like turds.
► Hair Style: Just got a mohawk.
► Eye color: Brown, also like turds.
► Birthday: March 30.
► Mood: Cold
► Gender: I'm female.
► Lefty or Righty: Righty tighty.
► Summer or Winter: NEITHER. spring and fall please.
► Morning or Afternoon: Afternoon because I don't know.

► Are you in love: With myself, yes.
► Do you believe in love at first sight: When I first laid eyes on Ganondorf, I knew he was the one.
► Who ended your last relationship: It hasn't ended.
► Have you ever been hurt: Whenever I do reality checks my dreams get punched in the spleen.
► Have you ever broken someone's heart: If I did, it was their own fault.
► Are you friends with your ex: I have no ex.
► Are you afraid of commitment: No. I'm just not a very committed person.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week?: No. Unless my kitty cat counts?
► Have you ever had a secret admirer: Maybe but I don't think I'm a very admirable person, you know, being in love with megalomanic villains and all.
► Have you ever broken your own heart?: Every time I squish on a villain who dies or who's character becomes too cool. (I'm looking at you, Dr. Doom)

► Love or Lust: Neither. I'm asexual *turns away to kiss pictures of Ganondorf and Dr. Doom*
► Lemonade or Iced tea: Neither. Soda please.
► Cats or Dogs: CATS!!! unless we're talking lap dogs like Pomeranian's or something.
► A few best friends or many regular friends: None. I have old high school acquaintances that I haven't seen since I graduated.
► Television or Internet: Internet.
► Pepsi or Coke: Vanilla flavored anything.
► Pink or Purple: Purple.
► Day or Night: Night.
► IM or Phone: Neither.

► Been caught sneaking out: No. I'm boring.
► Fallen off the stairs: Fall off or down? I've fallen down.
► White water rafted: Yes and me and my dad flipped over a waterfall.
► Finished an entire jawbreaker: My sister and I used to be addicted to those things.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?: Oh Ganondorf, if only you were real! I'll settle for Dr. Doom though...
► Prank called a store: No.
► Skipped School: All the time. I was a bad kid.
► Wanted to disappear: Wanted no no, I want to disappear.

► Smile or Eyes: ... EYES.
► Light or Dark Hair: Dark?
► Fat or Skinny: SKINNY!!! Call me pro-ana but I find visible bones skeletons so pretty!
► Shorter or Taller: I like being small but you know...
► Intelligence or Attraction: INTELLIGENCE!!!!!
► Jock or Nerd: NEITHER. I hate highschool stereotypes. None of that crap matters in the real world.
► Hook-up or Relationship: Neither. I'm not into eloping with anyone except Ganondorf or Dr. Doom!
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious: Dr. Doom is rich and serious so I think you know which I would pick.
► Play the guitar or into sports: NEITHER. I HATE THEM BOTH.

► Last Phone Call/Text: I don't text or talk on the phone.
► Last phone call you received: NO.
► Last person you hung out with: My parents. We went bike riding today.
► Last person you hugged: NO.
► Last person you IM'ed: I recently sent my sister this.
► Last thing you ate: Icee?
► Last thing you drank: Icee?
► Last site you went to: Reddit.
► Last place you were: Bike riding at the park.

► Are you in a committed relationship: Like I said, commitment isn't my thing.
► Do you want to be: With Ganondorf? yes.
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world?: All the cats in the world.
► Do you still love them: I will always love the cats of the world.
► Do you like someone right now: "Like"? I'm in LOVE. You don't think I call myself Mrs. Dragmire for no reason, do you?
► Has a friend ever liked the same guy/girl?: No.


► Do you and your family get along: more or less.
► Would you say you have a "*bleeped* up life": No.
► Have you ever run away from home: NO.
► Have you ever gotten kicked out: NO.

► Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Oh God, I hate you Brit, I hate you Kait, I hate you JQ, I hate you Mr. O, etc. If only I could intricately express my hatred in a coherent manner without raging IN ALL CAPS AND LOSING MY SANITY.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends: No.
► Do you trust all your friends: No.
► Who are/is your best friend(s): My twin sister. She is my other half.
► Would you die for them: For my sister and for Imperial Russia!
► Who knows everything about you: My sister knows almost everything about me.

Now all who read this know my true reasons for existence.
