That new art promoting thing... RANT

Okay, so we all know that theOtaku has started that new "Promoted Fandom" thing on the side of the website, right? This is going to be a sort of a rant so bare with me... (or not, you could just save yourself from my fury)

$29.99 to reserve that spot for promotion for ONE WHOLE DAY? Does anyone else remember a few years ago when random artwork was promoted in that exact spot for free? I remember because I had this piece of art featured there once.
The only issue I have here is the price that one has to pay for this. I wouldn't mind it if they brought this feature back and it cost 50 cents or even 5 dollars but $30?! For that price you could buy a year long premium membership on DeviantArt! It can pay for TWO whole years on theOtaku! What makes me even more upset is that it is ONLY for ONE DAY. Seriously, at that price I would want my art up there for atleast a week!
It would be so much more helpful if you donated that money directly to the artist so they could purchase copic markers, a drawing pad, a premium membership, new pens, glorious kneaded erasers, a Christmas present for a family member, maybe pay a bill, buy themselves dinner, pay for gas, etc. Why not use that money to commission the artist to draw your OC? A lot of artists on DeviantArt *cough*including me*cough* charge about $20 (unless you want a photographic portrait drawn of your little brother and sister)

As a full time college student working to get her Associates degree in Fine Art, $30 could be better spent! I know it costs money to run a website but that is a heck of an amount to charge to host a single picture for just 24 hours! At that amount I can't see the art promotion feature being that popular. There just isn't the right market for this type of thing. I could see this working on DA since that site is huge and has a broader audience but theOtaku isn't DA. TheO is a smaller art site with an audience that consists of high school kids and college students, which, in case you don't know, don't exactly have the highest income (or any at all).

I'm sorry to be so harsh about this and I will acknowledge a bright side to the new feature. If an artwork is featured, it will get a ton of views and favorites. Views and favorites equals recognition. Maybe a manga company is scouting for a new artist. Maybe the artist finds a client who wants a commission. When I got featured many moons ago, I got 1000+ views and 80 faves.

The concept is cool and as much as I would like to purchase that spot for myself a friend, I am just not willing to give that amount for so short a time. I love you theOtaku, you have been my favorite place on the web for six years but this new feature just isn't worth it to me.
