So I guess I'm not a real DBZ fan

I started watching Dragon Ball Z when it aired on Toonami and I was like 8 years old. I was recently telling my older brother how much I enjoyed rewatching all the old episodes and movies when this boy decides to tell me I can't call myself a fan compared to him. Why? Because he was watching Dragon Ball before me and says he got me into it. This mfer is pretending that he showed me some cool underground anime as tho it didn't play on Cartoon Network at dinner time.

Its true he showed me a lot of cool anime movies growing up (like Princess Mononoke and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust) but I was already watching whatever was on TV. Shit like Hamtaro, Pokemon, Digimon, DBZ, Yu yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, etc. were all my intro into anime. Bro used to hate on hipsters all the time but mfer is a fuckin hipster. He's always saying he liked things before they were cool and that he introduced me to things as tho everyone else wasn't already watching it.

I tried to change the topic towards Dragon Ball Super and he tells me he stopped watching it because he hated it. Every time I make a suggestion or try to bring up something new he automatically starts shit talking it. He's so unpleasant to talk to. I was hoping we could have a nice conversation about an anime that I thought we both enjoyed but it always turns into a competition or a hate fest.

Just needed to vent. My bro is such a hipster!
