- Created By angelheart28
Lyf as a Sideliner wen ur on Summer Vacation
hi its me angelheart28...
itz our sumvac(summer vacation) in my place...
on da 1st day until past 2 or 3 weekz sumvac is fun n exciting....
i was doing d thingz i lyk 2 do...
itz so fun, i can watch my showz day n night as much i want, i can go online 4 lyk 24/7(hehehe...expensive landline billz)*hidez from parentz*
(past few dayz(8 or 10 weekz)
*itz lyk hell!!!!!!!!!!*
itz so boring nw; i lyk hell or sumthng lyk dat...
i feel lyk tym is jst staying still or itz lyk frozen....
i'm doing thingz dat are so tiresum and tiring...
(den 1 day)
my frend told me we should join a activity lessonz 2gether jst 4 fun n 4 sum bonding tym 2gether...
so i say ok...
(had a talk wid parentz)
so ok my parentz agreed dat i should do a activity while still on sum vac...
so i did; i took dance lessonz wid my frendz...
after a few dayz of taking dance leson wid my frendz; we felt dat itz not boring sum vac after all....
(a few dayz past by) *good or bad newz?*
our dance lessonz are cancelled 4 d rest of the sumvac b'cuz of sum incident...
so were back 2 our same old boring sum vac routine or schdule...
=whatz d next journy 4 me? or watevr...=
=== 2 b continued ===
**PART TWO will be post soon**
hope u all lyk it....
comment me plz..
sort of a reminder...
dear otaku members...
u can put anything in my world 'u choose ur topic world'... ur free put post anything here. don't be shy.... i'm willing 2 be a frendz wid every1 in dis website...i'm ur frend @ ur service....
tnxz in advance again 4 all those who checked my portfolio n dis world.... i'm so glad u checked it...
..... jst comment me on my work/z here @ otaku... if u need anything jst leave a message or comment 4 me; angelheart28
my world's background....
hi 2 all of u pipolz there...i'm angelheart28, i created dis world 4 ur guyz or gurlz there...da background dat ur seeing is sabaku no gaara: i'm da one who drew dis cute picture of him... so i hpoe u pipolz lyk it... tnxz in advance 4 taking a luk here n my portfolio...
i hope i meet some new frendz here @ otaku...