Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8


Chapter 6: The First Meeting

[White meeting room]

Momoko: “uh…what are we supposed to be doing?”

Lenne: “how did we get here? I was sleeping…” she yawned.

Takeshi: “uh…how did you two get into my dream?” he glared at Lenne and Momoko.

Momoko: “who knows maybe you’re having sick male fantasies about your housemates…” she smirked sarcastically

Takeshi: “not even in your dreams…” he closed his eyes, twitched, and blushed slightly.

Lenne: noticed “wow you really are a pervert…” she shrugged smirking.

Takeshi: “tch…what ever…”

Momoko: she walked up next to Lenne “and he doesn’t even deny it…” she smirked again.

Lenne: “meh…I figured he was a pervert…just like every other guy we’ve known…” she shrugged again. They looked around the white room to see a white table surrounded with 9 white chairs, each with a symbol representing another label.

voice: “please sit…”

Lenne: “uh…alright…” she sat down in the chair with the punk symbol on it.

Takeshi: “does it make me even more of a pervert if I have to sit in between these two idiots?” he rolled his eyes and sat in then chair with the skater symbol on it.

Momoko: she smirked “Yes…” she was in a sarcastic mood today and sat in the seat with the normal symbol on it.

Voice: in the chair at the very front of the table in the first chair facing the other eight appeared a rather old man. He had long bushy eyebrows and long silverfish white hair down to his mid back. He wore white robes. “Welcome…to heaven once again my angels…”

Momoko: “Nani!?” she looked around and noticed that they had their halos their wings were flapping about and they were also in their white robes. “How did we get here!? Takeshi what the hell are you dreaming!?”

Takeshi: “hey don’t blame this on me you senile witch!”

Momoko: “who the hell are you calling senile!?” she furrowed her brows and stood up glaring at Takeshi.

Man: “calm down…I need you to keep your composure…understood Dove?”

Momoko: “uh….right…” she took a deep breath and sat back down.

Lenne: “since when are you like this Momo-chan?”

Momoko: “what I get crabby when I get woken up…”

Lenne: “you’re dreaming…”

Man: “no…you are most definitely awake…I brought you here to talk about three things. One the Twilight barrier, two Takeshi’s joining and three the guard children…”

Momoko: “oh right…I thought we didn’t have to worry about them till the gates of the Twilight dimension were opened…?”

Man: “well that’s what we’re here to talk about…”

Momoko: “so…that means you’re god?”

God: “yes Dove…”

Lenne: “don’t you remember?”

Momoko: “well…I’ve actually never met him before…” she smiled weakly rubbing the back of her neck.

Lenne: she rolled her eyes and looked at God “anyways….what’s going on with the Twilights?”

God: “after that report you two sent me about the two winged people with black and yellow wings I got worried so I checked the barrier and it has indeed been broken. You three need to hurry and find the others because you cannot find any of the guard children without the labeled angels all together.”

Lenne: “wouldn’t it be easier if you told us where everyone was?”

God: “I cannot…I can only push you in the right direction and I have by setting you up at the old military base…”

Momoko: “are you serious that’s the best you can do for us?!”

God: he only nodded.

Momoko: she slouched in her chair and sighed deeply.

Takeshi: “when should we start looking? And where…” he looked to Momoko.

Momoko: she had a blank look “why are you looking at me?”

Takeshi: “because…you are the leader aren’t you?”

Momoko: she sighed “damn…that’s right…well…we should start tonight but there are tow reasons we won’t…one because Lenne-chan would murder me and two I’m to tired to start tonight…so we’ll start tomorrow morning…and if we really search our asses off it should only take us a couple days to find everyone…then since God CAN tell us the names of the guard children we can find them… then once we have all 16 of us together we can all close the doors to the Twilight dimension forever…but…when we do that doesn’t our power transfer to the gates of hell to open that?”

God: he nodded “only the power you use to close the twilight dimension after that you must find and reseal the gates to hell or Lucifer will rein over the world once again…and to close the gates of hell we are not sure…”

Momoko: she sighed. “this is going to take years…but those winged people Lenne and I fought earlier were definitely twilights?”

God: “yes…”

Momoko: “how are we going to fight them!? They are so fast I could hardly see!?”

God: “you must figure out a way that works or the world is doomed…”

Momoko, Lenne, and Takeshi: nod.

God: “dismissed” with a wave of his hand the white room turns black and the blackness fades away into light and the three stand in the command center of the base.

Momoko: she looked around and everyone was back to normal. It was only 12:00 am. “well I’m going back to sleep…curse him and his evil 12 am night calls…” she walked back into her bunker as did everyone else. The only one that could sleep was Lenne. Momoko sat there staring at the ceiling. “why do we have to find 13 more people for this stupid mission? There were only three last time…right?” her eyes got heavy and finally closed.