Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8

Chapter 5: Takeshi’s an Angel!? Holy shit…

As the demon charged for Dove, The male angel again tried to stop it as Twilight punched him to the ground. This happened several times before something actually happened. The demon now only inches from Dove.

“Angelic power!” lights appeared at the tips of her fingers. “Angelic Cry, purify this demon and let humans live peacefully!” there were waves that came from her tips and hit the demon slowly it cracked and shattered into millions of pieces leaving behind only a small amount of sludge. Dove put her hands to her side and walked up to the sludge and stepped on it twisting her foot to ensure that it had been destroyed. She had her eyes closed. And she was sweating. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and walked up to Twilight. “lets go…I need some sleep…alright?” she opened her eyes and looked over to the male angel whom she forgot was there. “Oh…you…you’re the sk8r angle right?”

“uh….y-yeah…” he raised an eyebrow.

“You should come by the Military base in town…we can explain things there…Come on Twilight lets go before I faint…”

Twilight nodded and they flew out before the male could say anything.

“the military base…? What the hell?” he sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets and flew out.

Back at the military base Lenne and Momoko had changed back to their human forms and were in the mess hall. Momoko was downing water as if she hadn’t seen water in weeks. While Lenne was eating like crazy. Lenne always had a big appetite.

“You did great today Momo-chan!” lenne stopped eating for a moment “and since I let you take care of this one I get the next one got it!?”

Momoko stopped drinking for a moment and looked at Lenne with a confused look. “I don’t think so…”

“WHAT?” Lenne stood up in her seat.

“I’m the leader so I get to fight two…” she held up two fingers “then you get one…” she put down one finger and took another gulp of water.


Momoko stopped drinking once again and put her hand down on the table. She looked at Lenne and smirked. “I was kidding…” she chuckled.

“I hate it when you do that…” she sat back down and leaned back in her chair.

Momoko smiled and stood up. She walked out of the mess hall accidentally running into someone spilling her drink all over the both of them

“Aw what the hell!?” she replied popping a vein. She looked up gritting her teeth but stopped. “Lenne…start explaining things to him…I’ll go change.” It was the male angel that they had seen earlier.

“a-alright…” she blinked twice as the male walked in. “are you going to stay in that form forever or what?”

“oh…right…” he changed and Lenne went wide-eyed.

Momoko started looking through the dresser drawers. “hmm…I have nothing to wear except for this…which I haven’t wore since last year…well that sucks…” she slipped it on with ease.

“what?” the guy looked at Lenne and raised an eyebrow. “is it that surprising?”

Lenne shook her head “T-Takeshi!?”

“what?” he glared at her.

“Y-you’re a Labeled angel!?”

“yeah…why do you think I took that chair away from Momoko…?”

Lenne shook her head again. “well…guess I shouldn’t be that surprised…” she smirked “I’m the Punk angel…and Momo-chan is the Normal angel…she’s the leader…I’m second in command…”

“right...that still doesn’t explain what that was earlier…”

Lenne blinked “what? You haven’t even heard of Angelic powers?” she tilted her head a bit.

“no…is that what that was?”

“yeah…we all have special powers that correspond with our label…I guess Momo-chan and I didn’t learn ours till we met each other though…so…maybe none of the Labeled angels know their powers until they uncover it with the group…” she lowered her head in thought bringing her index finger to her lips. She quickly raised her head again. “at any rate come on in and sit down…we’ll tell you the rules and regulations that the Lord has given us alright? If you break them you loose your powers for a week. Rule one—“ but as Lenne spoke Momoko walked back in.

“sorry…this was all I had…” she popped a vein. It was her dress from a dance that she forced Lenne to go to.

“Momo-chan…you swore you’d never wear that again…” she raised an eyebrow.

“well I don’t exactly have a choice…it’s all I had…damn water…the things you bought me will be dry in a minute this is just temporary till the dryer is done..” she looked away. “anyways…” she looked at Takeshi and froze and she gaped. “T-Takeshi-kun? When did you get here?”

Takeshi rolled his eyes and brought his hand to his forehead. “yeah…I’ve been here since you dumped water on me…”

“Hey that wasn’t—oh…that was you?”

Takeshi looked at her as he took his hand away from his forehead. “yeah Momoko…that was me…”

“Welcome aboard! We’ll get your stuff in the morning!” she smiled and walked back out to get her clothes.

“anyways…rule one…no going out past 10 unless it’s an emergency a demon or Twilight emergency to be exact…rule two you have to stay at the base at all times unless going to school or the store and if you do go out then you must keep either your cellphone with you which we must have the number to by the way…or one of our communicators which are connected straight to the main computer and tell you where the emergency is and what kind of emergency…the down side to the communicator is…it’s shocking…”

“wh-what’s shockin—“

“and finally rule number three…you must report everything to the main computer weather someone has already done so or not. This is to ensure that what is reported really did happen and now tomorrow morning we’ll have to report this…meaning you too…and that’s it…we’ll come get you from your home in the morning…”

“wh-what do you mean? How do you know where I live?”

“now that we know you our compu—“

“no we’ll move him in tonight…that way I don’t have to do it tomorrow…on top of that report…”

“up to you I guess…” lenne sighed and stood up.

“d-don’t I have a say in this?”

they both looked at each other then to Takeshi “No…” they replied in unison. They walked out.

“Get in the back Takeshi…” Momoko opened the back door and then opened the driver’s side door and got in. Lenne and Takeshi got in eventually. She drove to the school and stopped at the boy’s dorm. They got out of the car and walked into the building. The dorm’s supervisor came out of his room just as Lenne, Takeshi, ad Momoko walked in.

“Takeshi…you know, as much as I don’t want to admit it, that no girls are allowed in the building…” he looked at Momoko then to Lenne then to Takeshi.

“Sorry sir…but…their just here to help me move my stuff…I’m moving” he looked to the side and continued walking forward.

“where to?”

“you know the old military base? Well…Momoko and Lenne bought it…”

The supervisor smirked “Takeshi you player…”

Momoko and Lenne looked at each other then to the supervisor “PERVERT!” they both said in unison. At the same time they walked up and punched him in the head.

“You’re not even CLOSE to being correct! He’s living with us so that he doesn’t have to pay the rent of renting one of the dorm rooms!” Momoko popped a vein. Lenne was shocked that she came up with that so quickly.


Momoko punched him again “not in your life sensei! You should be fired!” she marched away following Takeshi into his room dragging Lenne along behind her when it ha just clicked to her what he was saying. They started boxing up the items that Takeshi owned and packed them into the car. There weren’t many only about 6 boxes worth of stuff mostly his skate equipment.

Takeshi told everyone at the dorms goodbye and most of them cried like they’d never see him again. Takeshi only weakly smiled with a sweatdroplet at his temple. they’re only jealous that I’m going to be living with girls… he thought to himself as they drove off.

“Hey Momo-chan…how many bunkers do we have anyways?”

“uh…lets see…I think theres 8….so one for each of us!”

“uh…actually there are 8 more remember? We have guard children too…”

“ok…so we share one with our guard child…no big deal right?”

“if you say so Momo-chan…”

“wait…exactly how many people are going to end up living here?”

“well…there are 8 labeled angels…so…there are 8 guard children” adding it up on her fingers…

Lenne rolled her eyes “Momo-chan I suck at math and even I know thats16 people…”


Lenne and Momoko nodded.

“oh my god…” he sunk into the back seat.