Haruno Sakura's Biography

At School Sakura Haruno Was Self-Conscious Of The Size Of Her Forehead And Often Was Teased By Being Called "Forehead Girl".She Was Very Timid Until Ino Came To Her And Became Her Friend. Sakura Looked Up To Ino Like A Role-Model And Accepted Her Friendship. They Stayed Friends Until It Became Clear They Both Had Crushes On Sasuke Uchiha And Sakura Felt That She Could Never Equal Ino. She Gave Ino Back Her Ribbon And Proclamied That They Were Rivals From That Day On. They Still Rivals Until Season 3 When They Decided To Become Friends But When They Saw Sasuke Or Heard Anything About Sasuke They Would Go Back Into Their Rivalary Mode.

Sakura Being Trained Under Tsunade( The Fifth Hokage)Has Learnt Her "Monsterous Strength". After Three Months Sakura's Progress Makes Tsunade Think That She Has The Greatest Talent In Medical Ninjustu Since Shizune.Sakura's Talent In Medical Ninjustu And Genjustu , Also Her Progress In Ninjustu And Taijustu Make Kakashi(Her Jounin Sensei)Thinks She Can Be Able To Defeat Tsunade In A Battle.
